Period: 1290 to 1320
The Khilji Dynasty
Period: 1290 to 1296
Jalaluddin Khilji
The Khilji dynasty was found by Jalaluddin Khilji, who was a wise and experienced ruler, and he defeated the Mongols, led by Hulagu Khan's grand-son. He had barely ruled for 6 years. -
Period: 1296 to 1316
Alauddin Khilji
Alauddin, who was Jalauddin's nephew and son-in-law, got him murdered, and become the sultan himself. He organized a strong army. He also was a strict and successful ruler who tried to bring peace and prosperity to his state. -
Period: 1320 to 1414
The Tughlaqs
When the Khiljis became weak, the governor of Punjab, Ghazi Malik took the throne of Delhi, under the title of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq. He ruled for 5 years and was a good administrator. He died in an accident. His son Muhammad Tughlaq succeeded him. -
Period: 1325 to 1351
Muhammad Tughlaq
Muhammad Tughlaq had mastered logic, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, as well as many languages. He was a capable general and as a Sultan he extended the frontier borders of his kingdom further across the sub-continent. He issued currency in copper, but this experiment was a failure because people started to make copper coins at home and exchanged them for silver coins from the treasury. His treasury became empty and he had to face challenges in managing expenses for the administration. -
Period: 1351 to 1388
Feroz Shah Tughlaq
Feroz Shah was Muhammad Tughlaq's cousin. He wasn't good at warfare but he took good care of the people's welfare. He opened colleges, places for learning and mosques. He was also a great builder. -
Period: 1451 to 1526
The Lodhi Dynasty
The Lodhi Dynasty was founded by Bahlol Lodhi in 1451. -
Period: 1451 to 1489
Bahlol Lodhi
He expanded his kingdom to include Punjab, Mewar, and the Ganges-Yumuna Doab further east. He was a kind and good ruler and his reign lasted for 40 years and he died in 1489 and his son Sikander Lodhi succeeded him. -
Period: 1489 to 1517
Sikander Lodhi
He was a wise, hard-working and dedicated Sultan. He was also interested in learning. He died in 1517 and was buried in the Lodhi Gardens in Delhi. -
Period: 1517 to 1526
Ibrahim Lodhi
He had to face rebellions from his governors in Bihar and Punjab, and the Rajput, Rana Sanga of Mewar. Also the people were unhappy with his rule.