John Byington
John Byington was born in 1798 and died in 1887. He was the first president of the General Conference. He took office on the twentith of March in the year 1863. He left office on the seventeenth of May, in the year of 1865. He was in office for two years, two months, two months longer then the three preceding presidents. -
James Springer White
James Springer White was born on the fourth of August, in the year, 1821, and died on the sixth of August, in the year 1881. He was the second president of the General Conference. He took office on the seventeenth of May, 1865, and he left office on the fourteenth of May, 1867. He served for two years. -
John Nevins Andrews
John Nevens Andrews was born in Poland, Maine, on July tewnty-second, 1829, and died on October twenty-first, 1883 in Basel, Switzerland. He was elected the third president of the General Conference. He took office on May fourteenth, 1867. He left office on May eighteen, 1869. He was in office for two years. -
James Springer White
James Springer White started his second term as General Conference President in 1869. His second term ended in 1871. He served his second term as General Conference President for two years. He married Ellen G. Harmon on August thirty, 1846. He and Ellen had four boys, Henry Nichols, James Edison, William Clarance, and John Herbert. -
George Ide Butler
George Ide Butler was born in the year 1834. He died in the year 1918, at an age of eighty-four years old. George entered office in 1871 because James White was sickly. He left office in 1874 because James White had regained health. He served in office for three years for his first term. -
James Springer White
James Springer White started his third term in office as General Conference President in 1874. His third and final term in office ended in 1880 because he became very sick again. He never recovered and came to his death on August sixth, 1881. In his third term in office, he served six years. -
George Ide Butler
George Ide Butler began his second term as General Conference President in 1880. His second and final term ended in 1888. He served his second term for eight years. He took over for James Springer White when he was too sick a second time to be General Conference President. In 1882 he became the president of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association