Birth of a Monster
Adolf Hitler was born April 20th, 1889 in the small Australian town of Braunua near the German border. -
The Life of Parents
Alois Hitler was Adolf's father. His mother, Klara, was Alois' third wife. Alios had already had two children from his previous marriages. Klara and Alois had five children, but only Hitler and his younger sister had survived to become adults. -
Raising the Child
Alois, who was fifty one when his son was born, was determined for his son to do well in school. Alois had a son before Adolf, but was disapointed and embarrassed with him because he ended up in prison for theft. -
Setting wood to the Fire
Adolf Hitler did well in Elementary school and supposively had a bright academic future. Not surprsing though, because his father Alois was strict and beat him if he did not do what he was told. He was very popular among the other students and well admired for his "leadership qualities", -
Bombing School
When Adolf had switched to secondary school, his first reaction to the difficult competition was to stop trying. He refused to pay any respect to his teachers or parents when they tried to convince him to change his attitude toward school. Adolf was a stubborn child, though. Alois was furious with him, as he had planned for Adolf to join the Australian Civil Services when he graduated school. -
Change in Plans
Adolf Hitler had also changed his retrospect on how he was going to carry out the rest of his life. Instead of following what his father had planned for him, Adolf wanted to become an artist. WhenAdolf told him this, they lost all respect for each other. This deteriorated relationship only ended when Alois died in 1903. -
Nothing Better
After the death of his father, when Adolf was 13, nothing could change Adolf's mind. Klara's attempts to keep persuading him to do well in school were failing and eventually she just gave up. When adolf was 15, he convinced his mother to let him drop out of secondary school completely. Soon he went to Vienna to go to the Vienna Academy of Art. He was shattered when they rejected his application. A year later his mother died from cancer, 1907. -
Enjoying the Army
Adolf liked being in the army. In fact, he impressed several of his leaders by taking on dangerous missions for himself. His fellow soldiers described him as odd, though as he would spend long periods of time sitting in a corner holding his head when suddenly he would spring up and make a speech. -
Bearing Arms
The first World War provided Adolf with a fresh start. This was his chance to prove that Germany was superior to the other European countries. He was accepted into the German army because at desperate times like this, medical examinations (because Adolf was not the healthiest of the bunch) were not so picky. -
Beginning of World War II
Soon Adolf was leader of the German Leader of World War II. Showing the rest of Europe that Germany was no weak country, but superior to all. His goal was to literally, rule the world. He planned to dominate Europe and secure Germany's "living space". -
Enpowering his Nation
Poland was overrun in less than one month, Denmark and Norway in two months, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg and France in six weeks. After the fall of France in June 1940 only Great Britain stood strong. -
His failure over Britain was no one thing. No, many say that the reason Adolf was not so well at conquering the rest of Europe and resulting in his defeat was not that he was over powered, but that had also suffered from things like irritable bowel syndrome, skin lesions, irregular heartbeat, Parkinson's disease, syphilis, and tinnitus. He died April 30th, 1945. Ten days after his birth day.