Adams Odysseus

By AdamsL
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Summary

    Trojan War Summary
    Menelaus wife was kidnapped and taken by the Trojans. And he called for help from Greek people. Odysseus was one of them. Odyssues had a plan to get Menelaus wife back, which was to have Greek soldiers get inside a giant wooden horse Odysseus had built. Which the horse was taken by the Trojans. Then the soldiers that was inside attacked them, which led to them getting Menelaus wife back.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Analysis

    Trojan War Analysis
    Since the Trojans kidnapped Menelaus Wife, it caused him to need help because he was not going to be able to get her back by himself. Which led to him getting help. Odyssues obviously played a big part in helping get his wife back because his idea worked and was very successful.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eater Summary

    Lotus Eater Summary
    The lotus eaters were a group of people who was showing Odyssues and his men that they were not a threat. Then they offered Odysseus and his men the lotus plant. Which the plant made the men that ate it, forget about their homeland.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Analysis

    Lotus Eaters Analysis
    Odyssues learned to not trust people, just because they are nice and trying to be persuasive. Also learned that some of his men are not cut out because they should not have taken the plant from a stranger.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclopes Summary

    Cyclopes Summary
    Odysseus did not like the cyclopes because he said they had no tribal ways. Odyssues mainly did not like the cyclopes because the cyclopes disrespected the gods. Odysseus also said that the cyclopes had "no mustard and no meeting". Tho Odyssues wanted to kill the cyclopes on the spot. He decided not to as the cyclopes was the only one able to move the big rock.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclopes Analysis

    Cyclopes Analysis
    I can say that Odyssues did not like the cyclopes. But he knew that he needed the cyclopes. Because the cyclopes were the only one capable of moving the rock. And the only way that Odyssues and his men would be able to escape the cyclopes was if the rock was moved. So Odyssues had to sacrifice not killing them so that him and his men to escape.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus-Bag Of Wind Summary

    Aeolus-Bag Of Wind Summary
    Aeolus was the ruler of winds. He gave Odysseus a bag that contained some winds. Then Odyssues men thought that Aeolus gave Odyssues something else. So Odyssues men opened the bag. Then the wind got out and made a storm. The storm brung Odysseus and his men back and Aeolus refused to help. Odysseus and his men ran to the ship. And only Odysseus ship escaped.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus-Bag Of Wind Analysis

    Aeolus-Bag Of Wind Analysis
    I can say that Odyssues men did not trust him. Because they opened the bag because they thought the bag had something else in it. Which shows that the men are still a little shaky with trusting Odyssues. And this affects Odyssues because he it shows him how some of his men feel. And lastly it also shows his leadership because he was able to get some of men out safely.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Summary

    Circe Summary
    Circe drugged Odyssues men. He turned them into pigs. Then Odyssues went to save them. Odysseus had to eat something to protect him from her. Odyssues eventually overpowered her and forced her to un spell them or take back the drug so they wouldn't be pigs anymore.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Analysis

    Circe Analysis
    This shows another way that Odyssues cares about his men. And that he would try to protect them at all costs. It also shows that he is very attentive and can take advice. Because he took advice when the person told him to take something so that he wouldn't get drugged by Circe. Lastly it affects the Odessey because it shows how good of a leader Odysseus was
  • 1200 BCE

    Hellio's Cattle Summary

    Hellio's Cattle Summary
    Helios is the owner of the Helios cattle. And Odysseus and his men went there. When they were there Odysseus told his men not to eat up the cattle. Instead, his men did not listen and still ate it. Which triggered Helios. And lastly, he threatened to stop the sun from shining.
  • 1200 BCE

    Hellio's Cattle Analysis

    Hellio's Cattle Analysis
    This shows how Odyssues men did not listen. And shows that Odyssues should be stricter when giving his men's rules or things not to do. Because this got them in a big situation. And although they were starving, they still should have just listened to Odyssues when he told them not to eat it.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suiters/Home Summary

    Suiters/Home Summary
    Odyssues returned back to his home. Which is Ithaca. Then he showed the servants that he was able to return. Then plans to get rid of some of the suiters. Lastly, he reunited with his wife. And she was able to acknowledge him because she knew that her real husband would know that the bed was made out of a tree.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suiters/Home Analysis

    Suiters/Home Analysis
    We could see that Odyssues has made it back home safely. And found out that suiters were competing for his wife. And he used some of the people he trusts to help him to help him kill them. Lastly, the good is that he reunited with his wife.
  • 1200 BCE

    Siren's summary

    Siren's summary
    Odyssues and his men approaches the island of the sirens. And Circe tells Odysseus plug men's ears with men's ears with beeswax and to blind him to the mast of the ship. Odyssues starts to hear the sirens from there island. The sound started to get to him which made him start begging for them to unblind him. But his men blinded him tighter.
  • 1200 BCE

    Siren's Anaysis

    Siren's Anaysis
    That Odyssues was the only one that was in pain or going through something the time. And his men did not know why Odyssues was doing what he was doing. So basically, Odyssues men couldn't hear the sirens. Therefor Odyssues was able because of the way he was panicking. I think this should have taught Odyssues not to trust Circe because she is the reason, he went through such a thing when passing the island of the sirens.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla And Charybdis Summary

    Scylla And Charybdis Summary
    When passing the Sirens, Odysseus and his men run into Scylla and the Charybdis. Scylla is a monster that swallows sailors when ships pass by. And Charybdis can swallow the whole ship. Odysseus then holds the course tight against the cliff of Scylla's lair. Then as they were staring at the Charybdis the Scylla ate 6 of the men.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla And Charybdis Analysis

    Scylla And Charybdis Analysis
    The Scylla and the Charybdis was very powerful together. Which Odyssues and his men really couldn't do anything about it. I would say it affects Odyssues because people say how much he cares about his men. People would use this to argue that he doesn't by the way they died. Which is totality out of Odyssues his hands, he could only do so much and against two creatures like that was a fight that he couldn't protect his men from by himself.