A Million Little Pieces

  • Entry number 1

    Jimmy is a meth, crack, and glue addict and an alcoholic. He woke up on a plane not knowing where it was going but it was to one of the best rehab centers in the country. He throws up everyday, blood and bile. He showed up with a huge hole in his cheek andgot 40 some stitches to close it. He has a dentist appointment and met a new friend Hank who is the transporter for the patients to a dentist building.
  • Entry Number 2

    Jimmy gets 2 root canals and 4 cavities without any anesthesia which causes so much pain all he sees is white and can't hear anything. Ken (another patient) doesn't like Jimmy so he gave him the worst job as the toilet cleaner and tells him to redo the toilets and Jimmy gets pissed and chokes him and makes him terrified of Jimmy.