Human development stages from infancy to late adulthood 195335

A Meaningful Life

  • Infancy (The Beginning) 0-18 Months Old

    Infancy (The Beginning) 0-18 Months Old
    A young boy is born to a family of a mother but his father is nowhere in the picture leaving his wife and son as soon as he was born. However, his mother provides constant love and care by responding to him when he is crying, hungry and sick. The little boy relies on his mother's constant care and love and knows she'll be there to care for him.
    If the man had not received the dedicated love and attention from his mother he may have suffered from not trusting others later on in his life.
  • Young Adult (His One and Endless Love) 19-40 Years Old

    Young Adult (His One and Endless Love) 19-40 Years Old
    This young male adult of 32 years old has found an equal loving companion that he feels he can share his life, belongings and love with and wants to marry and have a close imitate relationship. By building on the previous stage and having nurturing love from his caregiver he was able to form a meaningful committed intimate relationships and found his true love. If he had not been able to form these relationships he would have ended up alone and depressed.
  • Middle Adulthood (His Meaningful Mark in Life) 40-65 Years Old

    Middle Adulthood  (His Meaningful Mark in Life) 40-65 Years Old
    In this stage of his life he has decided that he wants to have a child with his wife and pass down his skills of being a mechanic to his child. He desires to teach them how to fix cars for other people to help others to have a working vehicle but not overcharge them like most shops. He hopes in doing this he will contribute something meaningful in life and provide a purpose to others.
    If he'd not shared his skills and contributed to his child's life he'd felt useless and a failure.