Jan 24, 632
Muhammad Dies
Apr 23, 634
Abu Bakr
Rules from 632-634, and he father one of Muhammad's favoirte wives. Had alot of revolt boht political and economical. -
May 23, 644
Ruled from 634-644, and he is known for the Gaazu raids whcih would punder non united tribes and gorups. Muhammad said you could not raid or attack another group, but he went against that teaching. He will be stabbed to death in a Mosque -
Sep 23, 656
Rule from 633-656, and he is married to one of muhammads daughters. He alienated Muslims by giving prestigious post to members of his own family. A group of his own soldiers will break into his house and kill him. -
Aug 25, 661
Married to Fatima and will be involved in the 5 years civil war called the Fatinah. He will not be accepted in Syria and will be murdered in 611 -
Jan 23, 750
He will take control in Damascus in 750, and he was the ruler who killed the Umayyad family which was unheard of. He moved the capitol from Iraq to Baghdad. -
Jan 23, 763
Harun al-Rashid
He will rule from 763 to 809, and he is known for his generosity, and support of learning. -
Jan 23, 1055
Controll of Bagdad
By 1055 a Seljuk sultan or authority controlled Baghdad but he left the Abbassid caliph as a figurehead. -
Jan 23, 1099
After a long and bloody seige Christian crusades captured Jerusalem. -
Jan 23, 1216
Genghiz khan
Genghiz Khan led his army of the Mongols out of central Asia and acrross Persia and Mesopotamia. -
Jan 23, 1258
Abbassid Dynasty
This will mark the end of the Abbassid Dynasty. -
Jan 23, 1258
In 1258, Huluga grandson of Genghiz burned and looted Baghdad killing the last Abbassid Caliph. -
Baghdad Peek
The City of Bagdad reached its peak under the reign of Harun. -
Seljuk Turks
In the 900's the Seljuk Turks migrated into the Middle East from Central Asia. they adopt Islam and built a large empire across the fertile crescent.