GC4- The Crusades to Pakistan

  • Jan 1, 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    In 1095 the Crusades began when the Muslims and Christians fought against eachother to gain the holy land. Both the Christians and the Muslims wanted the holy land for different reasons. The Christians wanted the holy land because they believed that it was a land of Christian faith and the Muslims wanted the holy land because they saw how great it was and all the great things that it had to offer to them. Also The Crusades ended in 1291.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Spreading of Islam

    Spreading of Islam
    In the 13th century Islam had spread across to India, that including science, math, and medicine. Although more necessities had spread across to India medicine had become one of the most impotant.
  • The Treaty of Medicine Creek

    The Treaty of Medicine Creek
    During 1855 the Treaty of Medicine Creek was signed because the Indians used medicine to heal casualities in the war. Signing this treaty assigned a doctor everywhere in India. Having a doctor around was going to help save and help support many people wounded.
  • Hindu vs. Muslim

    Hindu vs. Muslim
    Conflicts between the Hindus and Muslims occuredand and many deaths broke out that medicine was needed to be used to save many lives. Throughout the nation bloodshed had broke out and a large-scale of violence had occurred and there was a huge tension between the two.
  • Pakistan

    Pakistan has been a Muslim country since 1941-2015, therefore Pakistan was invlolved in the earlier conflicts between Hindus and Muslims. Pakistan and the citizens of Pakistan experienced damage from the previous conflicts and tensions between the Musims and Hindus.
  • The Golden Age of Islam

    The Golden Age of Islam
    During The Golden Age of Islam algebra, science, and medicine, etc. were created and that was one reason The Crusades began because the Muslims saw how great the Holy land was and they desired all the great discoveries that was found during the time
  • Period: to

    The Crusades-Pakistan