exposition 1 background
San is a chinese kid that was adopted. His dad is in jail. He has to move alot because of his dad's lying and stealing. He lives with his mom. They are poor. San is always trying to fit in at new schools. -
exposition 2 setting
San moved from texas to pennsylvania. Most of the story takes place around Zens new school. Some other places in the story are the soup kitchen,the library and Sans house. -
exposition 3 characters
Mr Dowd-Sans social studies teacher. Social studies is the class that San makes the decision to fake being Zen in because they are studying ancient religions and San already studies some of this before he moved.
Miss Margaret-She is the librarian with alot of Zen kowledge. She helps San find books on Zen.
Sans Mom-She is a nurse and works alot.
Sans Dad-he is in jail. He is a con artist and San wont talk to him beacuase hes mad at him. -
Exposition 3 characters
San-Adopted Chinese kid who is trying to fit into a new school by lying to impress others and is trying to be someone he isnt just to fit in,
Woody-A girl San really likes at school. San is tryingto impress by lying to impress her so she will like him. She likes how Zen San is.
Peter-Woodys stepbrother. Peter doesnt like San and doesnt beleive San is some kind of Zen master. -
uprising conflict 1
San begins lying and pretending to know about Zen to impress Woody and other kids at school s0o he will fit in -
uprising conflict 3
Woody is happy San is her partner in social studies because the project in Eastern religous traditions but San is worried because he is pretending to have lots of Zen knowledge to impress woody but hes faking. -
uprising cobnflict 4
San has top bring hi smom to the library so that he can get the Zen books out but other kids from school are there so he has to hide so nobady knows he fakes being Zen. -
uprising conflict 2
San gets books on Zen from the library and starts to sit on a rockoutside of school pretending to meditate. Woody is impressing but peter doesnt beleive San is really Zen. -
uprising conflict 5
In english class, San finds out they are stdying Asian philosophy so now he relizes that he has tp pretendtp have lots of Zen nowledge for another class too. -
uprising conflict 6
For the project Woody wants to do Zen basketball and San wants to work in the soup kitchen. San knows he is fakinng being Zen and is terrible at basketball. Finally, they agree to do both but San is worried -
uprising conflict 7
San sees that Woody has written th initials ELL on her paper with hearts around it. San is Jealous of ELL and is trying to figure out who it is. -
uprising conflict 8
Sans mom is very mad athim because he is not coming home on the nights his father calls from jail.He tells her that he doesnt want to talk to his father and his mom is very upset. -
The climax was when San abd Peter played b ball 1 on 1. Everyone was watching when San threw a shot over his shoulder without even looking and the ball went in the basket. San beat Peter even though Peter is a really good basketball player amd San is a terrible player that has been faking Zen basket ball techniques. Now all the kids are sure that San is really a Zen master. -
Falling action 1
San and woody start teaching Zen basketball techniques to the guys from Basketball B team and the techniques work. -
falling action 2
Even though San is terrified of bugs, He catches and lets free a centipedethat was scaring the girls in class. He didnt kill it because the wouldnt be the Zen thing to do. -
falling action 3
At the basketball challenge, San had to play in the game and he threw the winning shot for the basketball ba team. Everyone axcept Peter thinks he is a Zen master. -
falling action 4
Sans mother comes to soup kitchen and brings his new coat, sneaker, and gloves. Woody relizes San has been lying and getting books on Zen.San hurt Woodys feelings because he has been lying to her. -
falling action 5
Everyone at school knows that San has been lying. No one is talking to him and Woodyis ignoring him. He knows he has to face up to all the lies he has told. -
San writes a letter to his father saying that he is mad at him for being a liar and for being in jail. San says he is going to stop lying and being angry because he doesnt want to turn out like his dad. -
resolution 2
San and Peter have a fight but eventually Peter forgives San and on the last day of school San finds a note from peter that says to go see emily. Emily is Woodys real name. This is important beacause Peter never wanted San around Woody befor3e. Peter has forgiven San.