Mohammad was born. He lived to 632 AD. and founded the religion we now know as Islam. The followers of his religion were called Muslems. Most of the muslems found within the Islamic church were arabic, which actually began the Arab-Islamic empire that would soon take over the middle east. -
Mar 10, 661
Umayyad Caliphate
This period of time from 661 to 750 was the longest period of time out of the three caliphates that took place. The three caliphates were driven by Mohammad in 622-632, the second by Rashidun in 632-661, and the last by Umayyad from 661-750. The caliphate of Umayyad was an effort specifically focused towards spreading the Islamic rule and way of life throughout westward from the middle east, expanded into North Africa, and eastward towards Persia and parts of India. -
Mar 10, 1099
Kingdom of Jerusalem
This was a period of time when the Christians had absolute control over Jerusalem. It lasted until 1291. This was the last time Christian had control for several hundreds of years. It was well known for the horrible things that the Catholics did in the name of Christianity. They basically just built up hate and agsnt coming from the Muslems, which set them up for a massive and gory invasion from the muslems. It fell in 1291 to Saladin. -
Mar 10, 1099
First Crusade
The army of the Frist Crusade took control over Jerusalem. Aside from the Eastern Christians' banishment from the city, for they were perceived to be cooperating with the Muslems, most of those living in the city were killed or tortured. The new inhabitants of Jerusalem the name of Jesus Christ and set a violent tone for the reputation of all Christians. Godfrey de Bouillon was elected in 1099 as the Pope. This began the never ending battle to win over the land called Jerusalem. -
Jan 1, 1174
Saladin's reign in Egypt lasted until 1193 and he considered a great hero for the spreading the dominance of the Islamic religion in the middle east. For what he did in the Muslem world, his equivelant to a more familiar figure would be best suited as George Washington. As a result, Saladin came in and wiped out the christian crusaders of his time; taking over Jerusalem and many other large areas that was awarded to the Muslem world. -
Mar 10, 1402
Ottoman Empire
Or also known as the Ottoman Triumvirate. This was a time period that lasted until 1413. It was a group of three men: the Celebi brothers who ruled the Ottoman Empire during a time of much chaos in the middle east. This caused a lot of turmoil and confusion for many of the people, until 1413, when Mehmed Celebi crowned himself as sultan and began to reshape the empire. -
Israel Declares their Independance
Israel declared their indepences right after the British mandate, but as soon as they did all of the surrounding Arab countries attacked them and lead into another war. An embargo was set on the ability to trade with Israel. -
This was the biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Nineteen highjackers were involved and a majority on them cam from Saudi Arabia. The group that was specifically responsible for flying into the Twin Towers were supported by a terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. -
Al-Azhar University
This was the oldest Islamic institution for high studies. It could be found in Egypt. Also, the mosque of Al-Azhar was built. It has and effect on our current education system because it's the world's second oldest degree granting universities. Since acient times, the school system has been intergrating and using the power of education to further push the Islamic religion and culture.