The Summer of Riley

  • Period: to

    The Summer of Riley

  • Riley's first day.

    Riley's first day.
    On this day William goes to the pound to pick up the dog of his dreams. He's getting a dog to replace the empty spot in his heart where his grandfather had died two months prior to this. William knew that Riley would be the one.
  • Riley, the protector.

    Riley, the protector.
    William was taking Riley for a walk in the woods when he slips on the bank of a creek in the woods. Riley caught Williams sleeve in his teeth and started to pull William away from the creek until he felt the William was safe. William knew that Riley would be there for him like his Gandpa was there for him.
  • The other side of Riley

    The other side of Riley
    William woke up to barking and yelling. He went outside to see that his dog was chasing his neighbors horse around. The neighbor, Peachie, was trying to get Riley of her horse.
  • The complaint.

    The complaint.
    THe day after Riley attacked Peachie's horse she made a complaint to Animal control. They sent two officers over to Williams house to take the dog away. They told Williams perants that Riley could be uthinized for chasing live stock around.
  • THe dog attorny.

    THe dog attorny.
    William and his mother look online and in the yellow pages for anything to keep Riley alive. They came across an attorny that represents animals. Even though the only dog he tried to help still got euthanized. The dog that he was representing attacked a little girl, so they called him up and he said that he would do it.
  • An extention

    The Aterney got 21 more days until the decision will be made to euthinize Riley or to spare his life.
  • An extention

    An extention
    The attorney got 21 more days until the decision is made to kill or keep Riley alive.
  • Preporation

    William and his friend Grace handout flyers to try to get people on their side to keep Riley alive. The do everything they could posibly do. Now all that they could do is wait.
  • decision day

    decision day
    William and his mom wait by the phone for the call. The phone rings and they both look at eachother. His mom picks up the phone then hands it to William. It was his dad. His dad gave William the heart-breaking news that the decision was for Riley to be euthinized. William hung up the phone and started crting. Riley only had 2 more days in his life.
  • The last resort

    The last resort
    William went online and searched for anything that would save Riley. THat is when he came across a man who took dogs and trained them to chase birds awy from the runways at air ports. He called the man and asked him if he could take Riley. The man was hesitant, but he finaly said yes.