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In the French life of Josquin Des Prez

  • Dec 27, 1445

    Josquin's Birthday

    Josquin's Birthday
    He was born in the province of Hainaut in modern Belgium in the year 1445.
  • Apr 19, 1477

    first definite record of his employment

    first definite record of his employment
    The first definite record of his employment is dated April 19, 1477 and it said he was a singer
  • Jul 10, 1499

    becoming a choirmaster...

    becoming a choirmaster...
    he became a choirmaster Ercole the first of Ferrara.
  • Mar 17, 1502

    Josquin wrote 20 masses

    Josquin wrote 20 masses
    He wrote 20 masses that have survived completely. Of those 20, 17 were printed in his lifetime in three sets (1502, 1512, 1516)
  • May 4, 1504

    returning back to Conde

    returning back to Conde
    He spent his life working as a singer moving around Italy until he returned back to Conde
  • Apr 2, 1505

    Josquin becomes Provost of the Collegiate Church

    Josquin becomes Provost of the Collegiate Church
    In April 1505 Des Prez became provost of the collegiate church of Notre Dame in Conde.
  • Oct 6, 1509

    Ave Maria

    Ave Maria
    He spent most of his career in Italy and one of his most recognized songs/music is “Ave Maria”
  • Dec 4, 1512

    Second Book of Masses

    Second Book of Masses
    Josquin's second book of masses was published.
  • Aug 27, 1521

    Josquin's death

    Josquin's death
    He died at the age of 81. He was born and he died in the same place, Condé-sur-l'Escaut, Hainaut.
  • Aug 19, 1552

    a student of Josquin...

    a student of Josquin...
    one of his students (Adriaan Petit Coclicus) published a method.
  • Third Book or Masses

    Third Book or Masses
    Josquin's third book of masses has been published.