2019Zac ICS FoF

By Quixz
  • Period: 6000 BCE to 1 CE

    The Old Testament

    Everything before Jesus.
  • 3500 BCE


    First cuneiform symbols are scratched into existence!
  • 2110 BCE


    Ishmael was born to Abraham.
  • 2091 BCE

    God's Covenant with Abram

    I think this is when God declared Abram's coming multitude of descendants.
  • 2085 BCE

    Approx. destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

    The city burns, Lot flees. Abraham watches in horror; not even 10 righteous people were living in Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • 2067 BCE

    Reign of Intef III

    Intef III was Pharaoh for eight years, starting around 2067 BC.
  • 1871 BCE

    Isaac's Near-Death Experience

    This point is assuming Isaac was 25 when he was almost sacrificed (Josephus' Jewish Antiquities, I, 227 [xiii, 2]) and born in 1896.
    God verifies that Abraham is truly the one who will fulfil his mission of filling the Earth through his test of loyalty.
    Location: Mt. Moriah
  • Period: 1836 BCE to 1639 BCE

    Jacob's Lifetime

    Jacob (Israel)'s lifespan.
  • 1821 BCE

    Jacob's coverings: Typology part 1

    Admittedly the prompt was found online, but the elaboration is mine. Jacob put on Esau arms to fool his father. In a sense, he impersonated or identified as Esau.
  • 1765 BCE

    Joseph sold

    Joseph was sold into slavery
    BECAUSE he was the favourite son and his brothers couldn't stand him.
  • Period: 1765 BCE to 1759 BCE

    Joseph under Potiphar

    Joseph became Potiphar's trusted manager...
    BECAUSE he was a hardworking slave...
    BECAUSE he was sold by his jealous brothers...
    BECAUSE he was the favourite son.
  • Period: 1759 BCE to 1757 BCE

    Joseph jailed

    Joseph was jailed...
    BECAUSE he was framed for trying to seduce Mrs. Potiphar... [B]
    BECAUSE she wanted him...[?]
    BECAUSE he worked hard...[G]
    BECAUSE he was sold by his brothers...[B]
    BECAUSE he was the favourite son.[G]
  • 1757 BCE

    Joseph rises

    Joseph becomes Pharaoh's right hand man...[G]
    BECAUSE he interpreted Pharaoh's cupbearer's dream...[G]
    BECAUSE he met the cupbearer in jail...[B]
    BECAUSE he was framed for trying to seduce Mrs. Potiphar... [B]
    BECAUSE she wanted him...[?]
    BECAUSE he worked hard...[G]
    BECAUSE he was sold by his brothers...[B]
    BECAUSE he was the favourite son.[G]
  • 1450 BCE

    Writing of Genesis

    The first writing of the Book of Genesis.
  • 1200 BCE

    Hebrew begins

    The Hebrew alphabet is conceived, spoken, and written.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander's campaign in Egypt

    Alexander the Great began fighting with the Egyptians over Egypt.
  • Period: 1 CE to

    The New Testament

    Everything after Jesus.
  • 27

    Rome Becomes an Empire

    Rome ditched the whole "republic" thing.
  • 32

    Jesus' Crucifixion

    Jesus got crucified. HOORAY!
  • 33

    Jesus' slatherings: Typology part 2

    Jesus proceeded to take our hairy sins and cover himself with them, presenting himself towards the Father in our place and taking what we deserved.
  • 44

    Paul's First Missionary Journey

    Paul took off on his first missionary journey.
  • 49

    Paul's Second Missionary Journey

    Paul took off on his second missionary journey.
  • 53

    Paul's Third Missionary Journey

    Paul took off on his third missionary journey.
  • Iroquois Confederacy

    The Iroquois and four other oral tradition-using tribes band together in a protective and friendly confederacy.
  • Adam Ashkin - Abraham Today

    [Genesis 22:17] All the nations of the Earth would be blessed through Abraham's descendants - the Jews. In fact, their 0.2% of world population has earned 20% of the world's Nobel prizes. The date is of the birth of Adam Ashkin, a recent laureate.
  • I came to ICS

    I came in P1 and skipped G4.
  • Physical Overuse and Joseph

    Just two or three blocks ago, all of the 04 9E PE class was pushed into maximum physical exertion for a half hour. Before that there was the simulation of trafficking where the entire grade was pushed at squats for a half hour. Joseph marched across the desert and was sold into slavery, thus pushing him to physical exhaustion for years.
  • Birthday

    birthday. 'nuff said.