20 th century

  • Period: 1936 BCE to 1939 BCE

    Guerra Civil Española

    it was a warlike conflict —which would later also have repercussions in an economic crisis— that broke out in Spain
  • 1926 BCE

    Isabel ll

    Isabel ll
    fue reina del Reino Unido desde su ascenso al trono en febrero de 1952, hasta su muerte en septiembre de 2022, además de la soberana de los Estados independientes constituidos en reino que forman, o formaron, parte de la Mancomunidad de Naciones.
  • 1912 BCE

    Sinking of the titanic

    Sinking of the titanic
    It was a maritime disaster that occurred on the night of April 14-15, 1912.
  • 1882 BCE

    Igor Stravinski

    Igor Stravinski
    He was a Russian composer and conductor and one of the most important and momentous musicians of the 20th century. His long life allowed him to learn a great variety of musical currents.
  • 1862 BCE

    Claude Debussy

    Claude Debussy
    He was a French composer, one of the most influential of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some authors consider him the first impressionist composer, although he categorically rejected the term.
  • Period: to

    Guerra Ruso - Japonesa

    it was a conflict that arose from the rival imperialist ambitions of the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan in Manchuria and Korea.
  • 1º Guerra Mundial

    1º Guerra Mundial
    It was a worldwide military conflict, although centered in Europe, which began on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918, when Germany accepted the terms of the armistice.
  • Juan Carlos 1

    Juan Carlos 1
    He has been King of Spain from November 22, 1975 until June 18, 2014, when he abdicated the Crown to his son Felipe VI.