9788853008411 robinson crusoe bff145b0f6eca7a7b702ddf8df9bfb40

1F-G5-Reading: Robinson Crusoe

  • Birth

    In the city of York in England
  • Period: to

    Robinson's Adventures at Sea

  • First boat trip

    First boat trip
    He went board a ship for the first time without telling his mother and father
  • 1652, Second Trip

    1652, Second Trip
    He traveled to Africa as a merchant and when he returned to London his friend the captain died. He took command as captain. They were attacked by a Turkish ship and taken as slaves.
  • Escape with Xury

    Escape with Xury
    After two years of slavery, he manages to flee with a black slave boy named Xury in his master's fishing boat. They are rescued by the Captain of a Portuguese ship, who buys Xury as a slave and takes Cruise to Brazil. In Brazil he becomes a sugar planter.
  • Brazil

    After a couple of years on the farm, Crusoe begins to feel lonely, and regrets selling Xury, who was his only friend. Robinson grows tiresome of his simple farm life. He misses his old life of adventure and wants to set sail once more.
  • The Slave Trade

    The Slave Trade
    Robinson travels to Africa to buy slaves
  • Shipwreck

    After twelve days of sailing, a hurricane mades that the ship smashes and breaks on rocks, killing everyone on board, except for Crusoe.
  • Arrival on the island

    Arrival on the island
    Crouse woke up and realized that he had nothing to eat and he could die of starvation or be eaten by wild animals.
  • Period: to

    Stranded on the Island

  • Crouse swam to the ship

    Crouse swam to the ship
    October 1 to october 24:
    Crouse swam to the ship and found food, clothes, tools, guns, blankets, a cat and a dog.
  • The ship was gone

    The ship was gone
    October 25:
    The clouds covered the sky, there was a bad storm that night.
    In the morning the ship was gone
  • To work on the cave

    To work on the cave
    November 14 to december 10 :
    Crusoe started making little boxes of powder and began to dig the rock behind the tent.
    Crouse began to work on the cave and finished on december 10
  • Raising goats

    Raising goats
    Crouse found goats on the island and have the idea to grow up tame and provice Crusoe with food.
  • Wooden cross

    Wooden cross
    Crouse was afraid of forgetting what day it was and he planted a great wooden cross on the beach and made a small cut with my knife every day.
    Crouse built shelves and carried all his property into de cave and put everything in order
  • Build country house

    Build country house
    January 3 to April 14:
    Crouse started to built a fence around his house and cutting trees and planted them deep in the ground.
  • Finished the ladder

    Finished the ladder
    He has finished the ladder so he could climb over the fence. The fence was now thick and high. From outside the house could not be seen. At last he safes from attack by man or beast.
  • Period: to

    Lord of the Island

  • Very Sick

    Very Sick
    June 19 to June 28
    Robinson gets very ill and it continues for many days and thinks he is going to die. He creates and tries different remedies with tobacco and rum to make himself better. He also prays for help. He gets better after realizing he needed to be thankful for the help that was given to him by God.
  • Thoughts to escape

    Thoughts to escape
    After four years of being in the island, Robinson has thoughts of trying to escape. He decides to make a canoe even when he has not thought of actually sailing out with it. He makes it but has trouble putting out in the ocean.
  • Footprint

    Days after 4 July
    He founds the print of a man’s naked foot on the beach. He start thinking about that footprint must be from humans, from the devil… but the only thing he knew for sure is that it was a signal from God
  • Robinson saving Friday from the savages

    Robinson saving Friday from the savages
    In the western shore of the island
  • Robinson teaching Friday

    Robinson teaching Friday
    After some months Robinson started teaching Friday about God
  • Crusoe and Friday

    Crusoe and Friday
    Crusoe and Friday kill dozens of natives and rescue 3 people, 2 Spaniards and Friday´s father
  • Period: to

    Coming Back Home

  • Departure from the island

    Departure from the island
    Crusoe left the island on the ship that came (having lived on the island for 28 years)
  • Arrives in England

    Arrives in England
    Crusoe arrived in England (having been away for 35 years)
  • Period: to

    Footprints in the Island and Friday's Story