1984 Timeline - Joshua Morales

  • Chapter 1

    The story begins April 4, 1984 in London, England. Winston is a 39 year old man who works in the Ministry of Truth. Winston works for the Party which is run by Big Brother. Everyone is monitored at all times of the day, but Winston has a hidden corner in his apartment where he does things that he wouldn't be allowed to do if he were in the camera's view.
  • Chapter 2

    Mrs. Parsons comes to Winston's door and asks him to help her back at her apartment. When Winston goes to the apartment he sees that her children are upset. They are upset because they were not able to go see the public hanging. Winston writes that he is dead inside of his diary and he puts a piece of dust on the corner to see if anyone had opened it.
  • Chapter 3

    Winston is thinking that his father and mother were killed during the purges of 1950. He thinks that they died so he could continue to live his life. After his mother's death Winston no longer sees death as a sad thing. He just sees it as an everyday occurrence.
  • Chapter 4

    Winston job in the Ministry of Truth involves rewriting the past history. For example when a correction is made in a document the old document is destroyed and replaced. Winston says he likes his job and if he didn't like his job he would disappear forever.
  • Chapter 5

    Winston has a friend named Syme who works in the research department. Syme is also a philologist Syme asks Winston for razor blades.
  • Chapter 6

    The party believes that the only purpose for marriage is to have sex and have children who would also grow up to work for the party like their parents.
  • Chapter 7

    Winston puts all of his hope into the Proles. He puts all of his hope into them because they make up 85% of the population of Oceania. Since the proles make up 85%, they can overturn the party at any time if they wanted to. Winston also learns that the leaders of the revolution of 1960 had all been wiped out. He learned this by looking at the past records and he intends to learn more about it.
  • Chapter 8

    The patrols were asking Winston a few questions when all of a sudden the street turned into chaos. A prole had said, "Steamer!". Steamer was the nickname for a rocket bomb. Everything around him was destroyed and there was black smoke around him.
  • P2C1

    The dark haired girl came towards Winston from the corridor. She gives Winston a note which says, "I love you." At first Winston thinks she is a spy.
  • P2C2

    Winston and Julia meet at the country to talk about the party. He suspects that she is a spy and there are microphones in the bushes around him. Winston learns that Julia volunteers for the Junior Anti Sex league.
  • P2C3

    Winston sees that Julia works for the party but on the inside she hates the party. She does whatever she can to disobey the party's rules.
  • P2C4

    Winston rents a little room above Mr. Charrington's coffee shop so he can have an affair with Julia. Julia walks in with sugar, coffee, and bread which are things only the inner party members could have. Julia notices a paperweight and Winston tells her it is a paperweight which is a link to the past.
  • P2C5

    Winston predicted that Syme would vanish and sure enough he vanished. Winston dreams about the room above the coffee shop and wishes that Katherine would die so that he could marry Julia.
  • P2C6

    O'Brien speaks with Winston in the hallway of the Ministry of Truth. O'Brien gives Winston his address so he can come see a Newspeak dictionary,
  • P2C7

    When Winston was with Julia above the coffee shop he woke up and began to cry. She asks what's wrong and he tells her about the time that he took his starving family's food rations for himself. When he went back to his family they had disappeared and he never saw them again.
  • P2C8

    Winston and Julia arrive at O’Brien’s luxurious house that has servants and elevators. Winston tells O’Brien that he hates the party and they want to join Brotherhood so they can destroy the party. O’Brien tells them that the Brotherhood is real and they have a leader. He explains to Winston what they will be doing in the Brotherhood.
  • P2C9

    On day 6 of hate week it is revealed that Oceania has been at war with Eastasia and they are allies with Eurasia this whole time. Winston has to rectify all of the past about being at war with Eurasia.