
This week ... so far

  • O breaks up with V

    O breaks up with V
    After a long argument, via text message. Claims is "for good this time."
  • O goes to Mom's in Village for the weekend

    Don't ask me why. This is probably one of the worst ideas ever, but I am not consulted or apparently allowed to express an opinion.
  • Bf retrieves O from Mom's, gets him home late

    Bf retrieves O from Mom's, gets him home late
    O is notorious for either not going to school or getting in trouble at school if he doesn't get in bed by 10 p.m. They get in around 10:30, Bf makes no effort to encourage the boy to go to bed before 11:30.
  • O does not go to Rehab

    O does not go to Rehab
    It's President's Day. The kids in this county do go to school as a make-up day, but I am told that there is no rehab.
    I'm also told that precious little O has a tummy ache.
  • Windstorm leads to toe injury

    Windstorm leads to toe injury
    Something blows off roof in windstorm. Scoot chair from in front of door to investigate. Decide chair would be nice surgical tool. Slice toenail. Hurts. Minor injury. Much blood. Much pain. Yuck! See? (The nailpolish started out black, so that's okay.) Roof only lost one shingle.
  • Period: to

    On whim, create website

    CW Catering Club
    So I spent most of the early part of the week doing this. It was fun. It was a stupid waste of valuable time. Need to create some kind of personal resume/portfolio site along these lines.
  • 1. Unbeknownst to me, O does not go to school

    1.  Unbeknownst to me, O does not go to school
    I find out when Bf's sister messages me on Facebook to find out why O is at her parents' house eating chips and salsa and watching TV all day. She doesn't buy the tummyache excuse.
  • 3. Late that night ...

    3. Late that night ...
    Bf's sister messages me on Facebook to find out why O is at her parents' house eating chips and salsa and watching TV all day. She doesn't buy the tummyache excuse. It does explain why Bf wasn't concerned about picking O up from rehab - he wasn't there. He was at V's house. Big lie, exposed.
  • 2. O skips rehab too

    2.  O skips rehab too
    From status updates on Facebook, it later is clear that someone takes O to the supposedly-former girlfriend's house as an "after-school surprise" for her. Bf tells me that the boy is indeed in school. When O doesn't show up at home after school or when it's time to leave for rehab, I text Bf who tells me that O went home with a friend and he will take him. When time to pick O up rolls around, Bf is remarkably unconcerned about leaving in time to get him, finally leaves about two hours later.
  • 1. O does not go to school

    1. O does not go to school
    His stomach hurts. Bf says he will make him a doctor's appt. I have no doubt his stomach does hurt, but it is stress, not a virus. Which is also what the doctor says. He tells his dad he will be in bed all day; by 9:30 he is already bored with the internet and has moved on to PlayStation.
  • 2. O does go to rehab.

    2. O does go to rehab.
    I take him. It is agreed upon that V's mother will pick him up, feed him, and have him home by 9 at the latest. (Session ends at 7:30, so 9 is really generous.) He finally gets home at 9:45. Bf swears to me that V's mother will not be allowed to pick him up again.
  • Period: to

    Bad night

    Bf won't stop snoring. Sleep in snatches. Stay up reading Time Traveller's Wife on telephone. About 5:30, get up to eat other half of last night's sub.
  • 1. 6:30 a.m. - Bf's alarm clock starts going off

    1. 6:30 a.m. - Bf's alarm clock starts going off
    So that he can go downstairs around 7 to wake up O. Continues in 5 minute increments until 7.
  • 2. 7 a.m. Bf goes to wake up O. Fight ensues.

    2. 7 a.m. Bf goes to wake up O. Fight ensues.
    By 7:15 Bf is yelling for me to call the cops. I dismiss it at first, but the second time he says it he actually comes upstairs. That time, I call. I have never called 911 in my life. O has already left; I make Bf promise that he will not go after him and leave me to deal with the cops.
  • 3. 7:45 a.m. - Cops arrive, no Bf

    3. 7:45 a.m. - Cops arrive, no Bf
    The cops arrive. I think Bf has answered the door, so I make them knock several times. Thank God am semi-dressed, though no bra, hair on end, etc. They ask the problem, I realize Bf's car is gone. Call him, demand he get back. He arrives while I am inside finding shoes and jacket.
  • 6. 8:30 a.m. I leave a message on my mother's answering machine

    6. 8:30 a.m. I leave a message on my mother's answering machine
    Ask her to call me back, help me arrange to move this weekend. Crying heavily. Hope she is not overly alarmed. Would move today if I could, but obviously must pack.
  • 5. Bf finally tells me O is at school

    5. Bf finally tells me O is at school
    instead of wandering neighborhood in underpants. He calls the PO about O becoming a day patient at rehab facility. I remind him not to depend on me to get him home.
  • 7. 9:50 a.m. I'm fucking exhausted

    7. 9:50 a.m. I'm fucking exhausted
    But need to start packing, do some job searching, stay awake to talk to mother. Hate how he makes it all my fault that his life isn't perfect if I leave. Hate that he threw out the "I wanted to marry you" line, but glad I was able to respond "I would have said no."
  • 8. 2:10 p.m. O comes walking down the street, not from the direction of his bus stop and at least a half hour early.

    8. 2:10 p.m. O comes walking down the street, not from the direction of his bus stop and at least a half hour early.
    I see him while he's outside, go tell Bf who is getting ready to shower and get ready for work. I went in the bathroom myself; I think Bf went outside to talk to him.
  • 9. 2:25 p.m. Bf leaves for work.

    9. 2:25 p.m. Bf leaves for work.
    I verify that as far as he knows, O is still going to rehab. Remember Bf said he took O's cell phone away, wonder if he still has it. I still don't know how or why he was home early, decide to pretend not to care.
  • 9a. 3:40 p.m. O refuses to go to rehab

    9a. 3:40 p.m. O refuses to go to rehab
    I put on shoes, brush teeth and hair, add a hoodie, start looking for O to go across town. Suspect is in bed asleep or pretending to be. Knock on door, tell him to go. Wait five minutes, repeat. Wait five more minutes, tell him I will be in the car, if he doesn't make it it's his fault/problem not mine. Go sit in car.
  • 9b. 4:10 p.m. Get out of car, come inside

    Have been txting with Bf, to determine what to do. Has finally decided to call O's PO as we can't physically force him to go. I attempt an adult-level conversation. His teenage attitude sets his dad off, but I can ignore it. I start by telling him I'm not going to lecture/yell, just level w/ him. Said that in life you spend a lot of time wasting time b/c somebody else requires you to, in school or later in exchange for pay, and it sucks but it's the way the world works. Have made him suicidal?
  • 4. 8 a.m. Cops leave, enormous fight errupts between Bf and me

    4. 8 a.m. Cops leave, enormous fight errupts between Bf and me
    All I can really say is "The man is an idiot." More in the narrative eventually, I'm sure. Gist: Everything is my fault, nothing is his fault, and if I leave he and his kids will be destitute and that will be my fault too. And they'll have to move! And I can't take the computer, even though if I take out the hard drive and memory I bought and added it will be a mostly empty plastic box.