
WWI Time Line

  • Archduke Francis Ferdinand Assassination

    Archduke Francis Ferdinand Assassination
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated. During this time in the world, he was going to take his throne in Austria-Hungary. The reason he was assassinated was that Bosnians wanted to be freed from Austria-Hungary's rule. They also wanted to establish a “South Slav.”
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War

    Austria-Hungary Declares War
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia officially beginning the world war. Within 6 days, more than 5 countries declared war on one another. Countries began to come together and war began to start.
  • A Letter to Ma

    A Letter to Ma
    In a letter to his mother, he talks about life on the base and his pay. He mentions a 6 dollar amount increase but cannot make out what he’s talking about. He said it wasn't bad though. During this time he was still just getting used to life on the base.
  • Russia Agrees to Stop the War

    Russia Agrees to Stop the War
    Russia agrees to stop the war with Germany. Not only did they sign an armistice but there was a treaty a few months later. They signed this so, “that the nation could focus on building a communist state based on the ideas of Karl Marx.” Marx is a philosopher known for his writings and political belifes.
  • His First Winter

    His First Winter
    He spent his first winter in France building barracks in freezing conditions. He said he saw many of the men around him die of pneumonia. They were quarantined and had to stay in separate quarters. Dying was a daily occurrence.
  • Pay Day

    Pay Day
    In this letter to his mother, he again updates her about his pay. During this time he says his pay is $40.20 per month. I think that is pretty good pay for the time being. A majority of what he writes is about fees and money.
  • Happy Mothers Day

    Happy Mothers Day
    In this letter, he writes to his mother to let her know he is doing well. I think it is cute that he wrote her for mothers day. He talks about his truck driving duties, depression, death, and sickness. Many people close died around him.
  • The End

    The End
    In this letter, he says, “I never told you about the front Ma because I was afraid you would worry but now it is all over and safe I guess it is alright.” I think a lot of soldiers felt like they had to keep their family's best interests in mind when sending these letters. It was a very scary time and their family just wanted them to be safe.
  • Germany signed Armistice ending WWl

    Germany signed Armistice ending WWl
    On this day Germany signed an armistice agreement. World War I was known as the “war to end all wars” because of all of the destruction it had caused. There was another peace treaty signed after this as well. That set the groundwork for WWll.
  • United States Peace Treaty

    United States Peace Treaty
    The United States signs separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary. After the war, many countries collapsed. From this new ones were found and lines were redrawn. The whole world was affected by this event.