lavish laddies
5 women wearing fur coats.All 5 of these laddies are nureses for the red cross. During th picture they are standing infront if ambulance .They seem like upper class citizens. -
Fitch the Man
Fitch was in the army. He was a first class sergant. He was also apart of the search teams for the war. -
gavrilo princip
Became at catalyst for WWI. After he assinated Franz Ferdinand. he eventually died of turburculios -
7 south american labour crop members standing infront of a shack. They are also tribe leaders. they were found in south africa -
wilfred owen
wilfred owen was a poet. He was also a soldier . He wrote poetry about the horrors of war -
Fitch in France
Fitch is with his war buddies. infront of a camp. They seem to be taking a break -
Fitch in France pt 2
Fitch is taking a picture with his child. He also taking a picture with his war buddies. Infront of a housing building -
soldiers are washing their clothes. they are washing their clothes by 50cm gun shells. which is highley dangerous . -
Fitch in NY
Fitch is posing by a carriage . while another man is holding a searchlight.they seem to be in the middle of nowhere. -
Fitch and the Searchlight
Fitch is possing infront of a french made paraboloid.With a sperry 60 sperry searchlight. He aslso seems to be in france. -
german prisoners of war are walking the streets of solesmes. they are being watched by locals. this was towards the end of the war -
Man dies in a trench. He died a week before the war ended. he was in a german machine gun nest. -
2,000,000 germans dead
1,700,000 russians
900,000 british solders dead
50,000 americans dead -
French 11%
german 9%
British 8%
american 0.37%