Machine Gun Horse
The horse was used for german purposes and a machine gun is mounted on its back. -
Gas Masks
Thses gas masks are in the exibit 1914 in germany. They are used to reeducate the dangers of chemical warfare. -
Elephant moving objects
German using the elephant for war purposes. They would go into a zoo and use the animal in it's space. -
Sussex Pledge
Kept the Us out of war.It met form policy goals. It was unsuccessful -
A german submarine sunk the lisutania. 100 americans were on board. America saw it as a terroist attack -
Sergeant Stubby
Sergeant Stubby was the most decorated war dog of WWI. He found a german spy also he retrieved injured soldiers off the battle field making him the only dog that has been promoted to general by combat. -
America declares war
America was nuetral then they took a side. Most americans supported Germany. People valued their heratage. -
Started his Service
He enrolled in the army. Eventually he got deported to Paris. There he met his wife. -
Zimmerman Telegram
Germany sent a telegram to mexico. The message got intercepted by America. The message said if they took the USA theyll give them the land -
Dead Horse In The Road
There is a deceased horse laying in the road. There is also a tank in the backround. Also soldiers aren't paying any attention to the deaceased horse. -
In 1919 Edward Bayon married a french girl that he met while he was deployed. He met her during the war. Then after the war finished he proposed to her. -
Treaty of Versailles
Took place in the palace of Versailles. 27 countries were in attendence. It ended the war. -
Took home 952 American soldiers
In 1923 Edward Bayon took 952 fallen troops across the world to the US. While he was doing this he recieved a standing obvation from the belgium. He later wrote about it in his diary. -
Was honored by the Belgium's for bringing home the troops
In 1923 Edward Bayon brought home 952 fallen american troops across beligium and eventually returning them home to the USA. While he did this belgiums honored him for this heroic act. -
End of Service
Had a honorable discharge after WW2 had finished.