• Biographical Information on James E. Hoskins

    Biographical Information on James E. Hoskins
    This is information collected about Hoskins when he was drafted. He wrote to his family frequently. He would write about the weather, livestock, crops, land, and health of other family member. It talks about when he was drafted and how he lived his life in the war. Shows basic information on Hoskins.
  • Trench Warfare Begins

    Trench Warfare Begins
    Trench warfare was the most common tactic in World War 1. People would hide in trenches and wait for enemies to be spotted. It lead to a stalemate until tanks came into the war. The first beginning of Trench warfare was in the first battle of Marne. Both sides began to dig the trenches.
  • The Christmas truce

    The Christmas truce
    On Christmas Eve, people in trenches started to sing Christmas carols. Everyone began singing along in their own languages. On Christmas morning, a truce was called to stop the war to celebrate Christmas. There was a big feast. People of Germany and Britain played football together. And after the sounds of a gunshot, they realized it was time to go back to war.
  • The Neighborhood Club

    The Neighborhood Club
    This was a club that men during the war would hang out. People would just have a break during all the fighting. They would have a smoke, read, write, and have home cooked meals for just 25 cents. It was a homelike living room to just relax. This is also where a lot of people would write letters to their family.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    The German submarine sinks the passenger submarine called Lusitania. This ub carried killed around 2000 people and about 150 of them were american. This is what got the U.S. involved with WWI.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    This was the first battle in the war to introduce tanks. The British were attacked by the Germans and there were 57,470 British casualties. It went down as the bloodiest day in British army history.
  • America joins the war

    America joins the war
    Congress starts a declaration of war against Germany. Then American soldiers headed out to fight along side with France and Britain.
  • 14 points of peace

    14 points of peace
    These were made by president Woodrow Wilson. Wilson wanted to call a truce to the war and never wanted it to happen again. So he gave a speech to congress with the 14 points speech. Wilson wanted to trade countries with Germany to end the war peacefully. Germany did not agree. This speech didn't work and the war went on for another year.
  • The Quilt Hoskins Mother Made

    The Quilt Hoskins Mother Made
    His quilt was made while he was in the war by his mother and sister. His sister Alma then sent him a letter towards the end of the war. She talked about how he couldn't wait to here from him again and that the quilt is almost finished. He finally got the quilt once he came home
  • Letter to Hoskins

    Letter to Hoskins
    This letter was from Hoskins sister Alma. She wrote to him towards the end of the war saying how everyone missed him. She then goes on about how the family is and that she wants him to be safe. They all hoped for him to be back before his birthday. She also talks about the quilt his mother was making.
  • Letter from V.H. Halperin

    Letter from V.H. Halperin
    This is a letter from V.H. Halperin informing James E. Hoskins family that he will be coming home. It says that he will get his discharge to come back home to see his family. The letter talks about how his skills that he was taught in the military should carry on as he comes home. The wife should make sure that his heart in the war would remain the same. All of the learning he did in the war would impact the rest of his life.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty is what ended the war. It penalized Germany and took away all of the money and downgraded their military. Germany was forced to sign the treaty and lost all of their power. They had to gain it back with the help of Adolf Hitler. Which is what started World War 2.