World War I

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke of the Austro-Hungarian empire was assassinated by Bosnian Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princip.
  • German Saboteurs at work in America

    German Saboteurs at work in America
    Werner Horn, who was a German officer was arrested for bombing, which damaged a bridge that connects the U.S. and Canada
  • German U-Boat torpedoes the Lusitania

    German U-Boat torpedoes the Lusitania
    A passenger ship Lusitania sunk. German-U boats attacked the ship. 1,198 people drown, 128 of them were U.S. citizens.
  • Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt

    Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt
    He is upset that he is missing out on the fun things like picnics and parties. Henry also mentions the people he wishes to see.
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany
    President Wilson sign the declaration and the U.S. puts the entire country on the road to war. Standing army going from 133,000 men with barely any heavy artillery pieces, to inducting millions of men and giving them basic combat training.
  • Millions of American men register for service on the first day of the draft

    Millions of American men register for service on the first day of the draft
    9,586,508 men from ages 21 to 31 registered at their local draft boards. Some were greeted by military bands and cheering outlookers.
  • First American troops land in France

    First American troops land in France
    Commander-in-Chief of American Expeditionary Forces, General John J. Pershing, greets the infantrymen and engineers.
  • First American combat soldiers killed

    First American combat soldiers killed
    Two weeks after 1st Division enters combat on the Western Front, American soldiers, James Gresham, Merle D. Hay, and Thomas F. Enright are killed
  • Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt

    Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt
    Henry is mentioning that the government is going to give half of their pay to either their wives, parents or close relatives. If they don’t have any of those they will put it in the ships co bank until they are discharged.
  • U.S Navy begins laying mines in the north sea mine barrage

    U.S Navy begins laying mines in the north sea mine barrage
    The Navy placed a total of 56,570 sea mines to create a 300-mile barrier against Germany. It stretched from Scotland to Norway.
  • Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt

    Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt
    Henry mentions that he is lonesome and blue. The chief told him that he would give them a free day furlough. He said he feels as though they are trying to make his life miserable. He also mentioned submarines and how he’d rather fight them here than on the other side.
  • U.S. War department authorizes chemical warfare service

    U.S. War department authorizes chemical warfare service
    The CWS coordinated all aspects of chemical warfare which included administration, research, gas defense and offensive, development and medical training.
  • Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt

    Letter to Myrtle from Henry McNutt
    Henry states that he is lonely and is might quit going ashore. He is talking about how the ship has changed since the last time he was on it.
  • Letter to Myrtle from Henry

    Letter to Myrtle from Henry
    Henry is scared that he will not make it to the end of the war. He feels as though he is getting sick. He also states that they are going to be put on bigger ships because the other boats aren’t sea worthy, but he has to make one more trip with the mines.
  • Germany signs Armistice

    Germany signs Armistice
    Terms of Allied Armistice were presented. Fighting ended on the Western Front at 11:00 a.m., Paris time and Germany signed the armistice with the Allied Powers.