World War 1

  • The Army during WW1

    The Army during WW1
    Otto Leven served in the Army during WW1. He was in the Hearty German stock.He spent his 23 civilian years in his family farms in Kay county, Network, and Oklahoma. As he spent his times on the farm working he was assigned to the war for WW1. Leven wrote a lot back home to his family. He was none for always staying in contact.
  • Europe was divide.

    Europe was divide.
    Europe was divided in to two. German wanted to balance power with Europe. After that then that helped the German grow and strengthen. Britian, Russia, and German had a friendship between three powers and that made them stronger.
  • John Singer Sargent.

    John Singer Sargent.
    He painted a painting made of oils and paint. The picture is of guys spread around all over the ground. Holding there eyes because if the gas it was so strong. The picture looks like they are getting onto a boat to go somewhere and they might have been going to fight again. The people that are going are in a line and they are all leading each other and because they can not see. The painting is very emotional.
  • The trenches

    The trenches
    The trenches are what they hid in the ground in. The war this was the biggest thing before the gas. The trenches had a lot of people in them and they his in them in the ground.
  • Assassination of Fanz

    Assassination of Fanz
    This was the main event that sparked the WW1. Many countries blamed the Serbian government for the attack. The counties tried picking sides then that is when war begun. Franz was 50 years old and died in 1914. He was the Astro Hungro Empire and he was deadly shot right buy his wife and she was wounded I believe.
  • German Invaded Belgium

    German Invaded Belgium
    After German declared War on France then German was planning to defeat France there plan was to invade. Then Belgium said they couldn't Invade. Belgium didn't want France to think they were going against them. But the German invaded anyway.
  • Siege Of Tsingtao

    Siege Of Tsingtao
    Britain and Japan. Japan just got victory in the Russo and Japan war. Japan takes over the Germans colonies in the Caroline, Mariana, and the Marshall Islands. Japan sends Warships to help protect Allied shipping in the Mediterranean.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    Christmas Eve. Both of the Trenches started singing Carols then got out of the Trenches and started to play soccer and have a great time. Then the people that left the trenches heard the bombs and finally remembered they are at war and went back to there trenches. The people only fought because they had to. They went fighting because they had to. The guys were sad they had to go back to there trenches and they were just having a good time with the people they might have to kill.
  • America enters war.

    America enters war.
    in January. German sends a message to Mexico. Inciting attack to the US. Americans were on a German boat and then a bunch of Americans lost there lives. Then America got mad and enters the war.
  • With Colors

    With Colors
    It is talking about the letter that were received but never replied back. Some of those letters were his family and friends and he talked about the guns and the weapons he tool into the war when the ones he went to sent back. He might feel bad about not replying to his mother because she took her time to wright the letters that she sent in English and she took her time translating it.
  • Otto Leven WW1

    Otto Leven WW1
    He ranked a Sargent in the WW1. He was in the unit company E, 35th infantry regiment, 96th Division. He served in a lot of places and went to a lot of camps. He must of been a really hard worker and must of tried his best to keep everything good and put together.
  • The poison Gas.

    The poison Gas.
    The Germans used more deadly poison gas than any other. They killed around 1,000 Russian troops. Then Belgium released gas on German. Then German released a bunch of levelly poison gas on to Belgium made of chlorine gas.
  • WW1

    Otto was orders to go to a lot of places. He traveled a lot to different places to go to war. Some places are Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and a couple more. There are more places but the paper are so old that you can barely read it because it faded away. He must of been so tried of traveling.
  • When he died

    When he died
    Otto F Leven, Was found wounded in he war and he died two days later. He was in WW1. His last letter sent off was to his family back home. his Mother and Sister were very sad the last thing they wished for were lying out his clothes after they were cleaned. They were very surprised.
  • A letter to his father.

    A letter to his father.
    They are talking how Leaven died. They were talking about how he was a great guy and how he was willing to do things for people. They made him sound like a really nice guy and i don't dout it because he was in the military. I think that he might of been a nice guy.