World War 1

  • Gallipoli

    This was the land based strategy to allow allies to pass through the Dardanelles. But allied plans were based on the mistake belief that the Ottoman could be easily overcome. They made two landings. Trench warfare quickly took hold. They finally evacuated.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand was one even that caused World War One. He was a archduke of Austria-Hungary. He was assassinated in Sarajevo. The made them start a war with Serbia. They started a war with Serbia because they thought they were were the ones who killed him.
  • Battle of the Marne

    Battle of the Marne
    German avoided fighting on two fronts by knocking out France. German had some success. The french and British eventually launched a counter offensive at the Marne. After fighting several days German retreated. German failed to defeat British and France. Marking the end of the mobile war.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    German and Britain battling on Christmas eve. On that day one of the sides started singing. The other side thought it was a trick. Eventually they soon found out it wasn't a trick and they both started singing together. Someone from one of the side came out and they were about to fire but realized he wasn't armed. They all came out and celebrated Christmas. Both sides played soccer and exchanged gifts. Out of nowhere they hear fire and realize they are at war and go back to fighting.
  • Poison Gas

    Poison Gas
    Poison gas was very dangerous. It was brought in to stop trench warfare which created stalemate. Stalemate is when both sides were hidden and couldn't attack so they were getting no where. So they used poison gas and other new technology to stop trench warfare (stalemate). The poison gas blinded them and got the to get out of the trenches to seek help. They soon learned that gas masks protected them from it.
  • Sargent Stubby

    Sargent Stubby
    The war used animals to help them in battle. Sargent Stubby was one of the only dogs to be promoted. Stubby started off as a mascot. He was injured while being a mascot by poison gas. After he was injured Stubby had the ability to warn them when it was coming. He became a very important animal.
  • Jutland

    The battle of Jutland was the largest naval battle of WW1. It was the only tie Britain and German fleets actually came to blows. Involving 250 ships. Also containing around 100,00 men. Britain lost 14 ships, and over 6,00 men. German lost 11 ships and over 2,500 men.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    German sent a message to Mexico. The message was about an alliance. They wanted to go against the U.S. When they sent the message it was intercepted by the British. Soon the U.S found out about it and got upset.
  • His Desk

    His Desk
    Edward owned his own desk in his own office space. The space seems very plain. In his office he has a lot of paper work. In his office he has a couple things hung up. There are also some other non-important thing like a coat rack. Other than that it is a pretty normal amount of space for someone like him.
  • Riding a Horse

    Riding a Horse
    William Edward Glass riding a horse during WW1. He rode the horses when he was on duty and off duty. William rode many horse during his time. In this picture there is mostly just land. There a little bit of grass and some trees. It shows him smiling while on the horse.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trenches were introduced to protect themselves. But both sides used it and then neither side got nowhere. Which that created stalemate. But then they started to introduce new technology. The new technology set a new view for the war and sped the war up.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The signing of the treaty of Versailles ended World War One. It was between the allied powers and a little bit of German. The treaty made German do all the repairs. But eventually cancelled in 1992. The treaty ended with the rise of Hitler.
  • Uniform

    William Edward Glass wore the same outfit all the time. His hat was the only thing he wore every once in a while. In this picture he does have the hat on. For the rest of his outfit he has a long button up sleeve jacket. The jacket has four pockets and five buttons. The pants are plain long pants. To complete the outfit he has long boots that goes up to his knees.
  • Dear Daddy the Story

    Dear Daddy the Story
    This story talks about Edward when he was being recruited. As soon as WW1 was declared William and his dad went down to get recruited. They didn't except Williams dad because his job was helping with the railroads which was important. They did take William. While getting recruited he caught "fluenza" but he survived it. Also during his time they ate Salmon so much he ended up hating it. Another thing that happened was he got a blanket but was soon covered with straw because of its surroundings,
  • Outline of William's Life

    Outline of William's Life
    This outline didn't show his entire life but some of it. William was born August 26, 1898, Kentucky. Jumping pass his age from he was born all the way to when he started college. He studied for 2 years at the university of Louisville. Then went to go train. After that graduated and then eventually went back to serve.