World History

  • Period: 1300 to


  • 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death ravages Europe for the first time. By changing the economic situation, the devastating disease helps lay the preconditions for Renaissance.
  • 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo a great inventor was born. Later in his life he will make inventions that are way ahead of his time.
  • 1453

    Year 1453

    Year 1453
    Many Greek thinkers and works travel westward, seen as a moment of massive cultural transfer between east and west. The end of Hundred Years War causes stability to return to northwest Europe.
  • 1469

    Lorenzo de Madici

    Lorenzo de Madici
    In 1469 Lorenzo "The Magnificent" takes power in Florence.
    His rule as the high point of Florentine revolution.
  • 1503

    Pope Julius II

    Pope Julius II
    In 1503 Pope Julius II was appointed as Pope. This was the start of the Roman Golden Age.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Age of Absolutism

  • 1564

    Death of Michelangelo

    Death of Michelangelo
    Michelangelo Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet died in 1564. Michelangelo influenced the development of Western art.
  • 1569

    World Map

    World Map
    Gerardus Mercator created a world map. His map would improve navigation and allowed us to better know our geography
  • Oct 7, 1571

    The Battle of Lepanto

    The Battle of Lepanto
    The Battle of Lepanto took place in the Gulf of Patras and Ionian Sea. This battle was important as it showed that Philip II did not have the best judgement.
  • Execution of Charles

    Execution of Charles
    Charles was executed on January 30, 1649. He was supposedly a traitor, murder, and public enemy so they executed him in front of all the people he ruled.
  • Period: to


  • Death of Oliver Cromwell

    Death of Oliver Cromwell
    Olive Cromwell was the leader for Europe and his death left them ruler less. in 1690 Parliament would invite Charles back to fill in the gap.
  • Peter The Great

    Peter The Great
    Peter was feared by his people as he was not a good man. He would kill his people and leave them in the front to rot and teach others to put fear in peoples eyes.
  • Mary Astell

    Mary Astell
    Mary wrote Serious Proposal to the Ladies in 1697. Her reasoning in her writing was that women need to be batter educated
  • The Steam Engine

    The Steam Engine
    Thomas Newcomen created the first steam engine. This will kick start the Industrial Revolution by giving people the idea of using Machines to get things done.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Death of King Louis XIV

    Death of King Louis XIV
    King Louis XIV died in 1751. He stated that he was not happy with his life decisions, and that he loved war to much something others should not copy.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Systems of Nature

    Systems of Nature
    Holbach was not a scientist but he was interested in others work on motion and matter. So he wrote Systems of nature to express his onions and beliefs based of there work.
  • Shot Heard Around The World

    Shot Heard Around The World
    On April 19, 1775 a shot was fired at Lexington and Concord. The origin of the shot was never discovered, but it caused start of the American Revolution.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Colonist at Bunker Hill were being attacked by the British. They held the British for two hours eventually the British fled with 1000 dead or injured.
  • France Helps America

    France Helps America
    Patriots wins the battle of Saratoga catching the attention of France.
    France then aids the patriots with a military and financial aid.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton
    Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule which combined spinning and weaving into one machine. Crompton’s machine made it possible for a single operator to work more than 1,000 spindles at the same time.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris stated that the 13 North American states are now independent from Britain. This marks the beginning of America as a independent nation.
  • Immanuel Kant

     Immanuel Kant
    Immanuel was a Enlightenment writer who wrote Critique of Pure Reason. His writing was about his analysis of the human mind and how it connects with nature.
  • Marquis de Condorcet

    Marquis de Condorcet
    Enlightenment Philosopher Condorcet wanted women to have rights. He said that women have the same natural rights as males.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Taxes Are Raised

    Taxes Are Raised
    King Louis XVI raises taxes due to bad harvest and costly wars. This is one of some events that lead to the start of the French Revolution.
  • Decoration of the Rights of a Women

    Decoration of the Rights of a Women
    Olympe de Gouges felt that women deserved more rights. So in 1791 she published a Deceleration of the Rights of Women.
  • The Insurrection of 10 August 1792

    The Insurrection of 10 August 1792
    Paris mob storms royal palace causing the Legislative to fall.
    In response Minister of Justice Danton purges thousands of presumed traitors.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror when many of people were executed. This led to the September Massacre and the fall of Robespierre.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney created a machine that would separate cotton seed from cotton fiber. Called the cotton gin it would greatly reduce the time to separate making it vary productive.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Era

  • Battle of Marengo

    Battle of Marengo
    The Battle of Marengo was between French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte and Austrian forces. This battle was located near the city of Alessandria, in Piedmont, Italy.
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    Treaty of Tilsit
    After Napoleon won the battle of Friedland Russia got hit hard. Alexander of Russia negotiated a treaty that would bring peace to Russia. The effect the treaty made was a major realignment of alliances.
  • Russian Campaign

    Russian Campaign
    Napoleon marched a huge army to Moscow one that would be hard to manage. Russians Destroyed anything that would be useful to the French on the way. This caused the Army to starve and die from the cold.
  • German Campaign

    German Campaign
    Napoleon regrouped his army in German territory where he battled the Coalition. Napoleons army was successful in several location, but in the end they lost to Germany's General Blucher.
  • Napoleon's Death

    Napoleon's Death
    Napoleon was forced to the Island of St. Helena. This would be where to the Great Napoleon spent the rest of his days until his death in 1821.
  • Alfred Noble

    Alfred Noble
    Alfred Noble invented dynamite which was a more efficient way to create paths to build. Before they would just light gunpowder which is not as safe as using dynamite
  • Factory Act

    Factory Act
    Working conditions in factories where terrible and children where paid little to do dangerous jobs. The Factory Act that said no child workers under nine years of age could work in factories.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonist dressed as natives board a British ship and dump all the tea into the harbor. The Sons of Liberty where responsible for this event.