What are Jack and Algernon's views on towards marriage.

  • 6


    "Good heavens! is marriage so demoralizing as that"
    he thinks marriage is the worst and finds no use in it.
  • 8


    "I am in love with Gwendolen, I have come up to town expressly to propose to her"
    Jack wants to get married and thinks it wonderful
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    "I really don't see anything romantic in proposing"
    he wants nothing to do with it and would do anything to get out of it.
  • 14


    "The amount of women in London who flirt with their own husbands is perfectly scandalous"
    he thinks if any wife is trying to be cute that it's gross
  • 20


    "well...may I propose to you now"
    he is very eager to get married.
  • 64


    "I have dared to love you wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly"
    sense he met Cecily he has changed his mind about marriage and now he wants to get married,
  • 65


    "I love you. Cecily! you will marry me, won't you?"
    At the beginning of the book, he wanted nothing to do with marriage and now that he met Cecily he wants to be with her.
  • 79


    "I wanted to be engaged to Gwendolen, that is all. i love her"
    he would do anything to be with her even changing his name
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    "well, I simply wanted to be engaged to Cecily. I adore her"
    he has completely changed his mind about how bad marriage is
  • 87


    "I am engaged to be married to Cecily, Aunt Augusta"
    he now is all for marriage
  • 90


    "Cecily is the sweetest, dearest, prettiest girl in the whole world,"
    he would do anything to be with her, and thinks she is the best
  • 93


    "of course I could"
    he would wait till she was thirty five
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    "The moment you consent to my marriage with Gwendolen"
    he is not going to let Algy have Cecily if he could not have Gwendolen
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    he was so happy that he could family mary her
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    "Gwendolen, at last"
    he could finally be with.