Warren Buffet

  • Warren Buffet born

    Warren Buffet born
    Warren Buffet was born in Omaha Nebraska
  • Columbia business school

    Columbia business school
    Buffet went to business school at Columbia to learn from Graham. He earned his masters there in 1951.
  • Marrying Susie

    Marrying Susie
    The two married and together had 3 children. The two purchased a house in Omaha where Buffet still lives today.
  • Starts working for Benjamin Graham

    Starts working for Benjamin Graham
    Buffet's starting pay while working this job was $12,000 a year, which translates to over $100k today. He worked here for two years until Graham retired.
  • Investing in Berkshire Hathaway

    Investing in Berkshire Hathaway
    Buffet buys shares in a struggling business and eventually takes it over.
  • Buffett meets Astrid

    Buffett meets Astrid
    Though Buffett and Susie never technically divorced and still had love for each other, they spent half of their relationship not actually together. Susie introduced Warren to Astrid who then lived with him while Susie and him were apart.
  • Salomon Inc. scandal

    Salomon Inc. scandal
    Buffett became chairman of the company right as the scandal surfaced and stayed there until the crisis passed. He claimed full responsibility for the situation, even though he wasn't aware of it any sooner than anyone else.
  • Susie Buffett passes away

    Susie Buffett passes away
    Warren's wife passes away from cancer at age 72. Though they were not together, this still sent Buffett into a dark period for a while
  • Bufffett marries Astrid

    Bufffett marries Astrid
    Buffett and Astrid marry after many years of living together.
  • Buffett pledges his fortune to Bill Gates Foundation

    Buffett pledges his fortune to Bill Gates Foundation
    Buffet pledges to give over 99% of his money to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation after his death. He says he will give about 2 billion to each of his children.