
War Horse Timeline

  • A man bought Joey

    An alcoholic man went to a horse auction while being drunk and bought a colt (which would then be called Joey), in a fit of pique.
  • Joey made new friends

    When both the man and Joey arrived at the farm, Joey was put in a stable where he was in with another horse, a mare, indeed, called Zoey. Besides, Joey meets his owner's son, called Albert.
  • Joey is sold to Captain Nicholls

    Albert's father sold Joey to a soldier called Captain Nicholls because he needed the money to pay his house's mortgage and England needed cavalry to go to war. In spite of Albert's attempts to stop the sale, it went on and Joey went off with Captain Nicholls
  • Joey got a new rider in the army

    Once Joey had gone with Captain Nicholls, he assigns the horse a rider: Captain Samuel Perkins. He was a really tough man at the the beginning but after having a pep talk with Captain Nicholls he turned to be a meek and mild man. However, Captain Nicholls ended up being Joey's rider.
  • Captain Nicholls dies

    While being in a battle, Joey's rider, Captain Nicholls, died and left him with Trooper Warren as a rider. In spite of being a really sweet man, he wasn't quite a good rider.
  • Albert and Joey bond

    Albert and Joey didn't take long to become good friends. They got along really well and could almost always be seen playing in the farm.
  • Albert's father told Albert to train Joey

    While being drunk, Albert's father made a bet with some other men in which he said Albert could get Joey ploughing the land within one week. However, while trying to tame Joey, the horse kicked the man and left him injured.
  • Joey made a new friend

    While being in war, Joey met a beautiful, fierce, black stallion called Topthorn, whose rider was Captain Stewart
  • Joey and Topthorn meet Emilie

    When they where in the stable one night, a little girl with her grandpa went over to look to them. Then, she kept on going frequently and became friends with the horses. Then Emilie got pneumonia.
  • Joey gets a new job

    Joey was assigned to pull a giant gun around the war field with five other horses: Coco, Heinie, Topthorn and two golden Haflingers. After some time, Coco and Heinie died and Topthorn got ill.
  • Joey, Topthorn and his riders are taken prisoners of war

    After a battle, Joey, Topthorn, Captain Stewart and Trooper Warren were taken as prisoners of war by the Germans. The two horses were then used to carry carriages with wounded soldiers.
  • The horses get a new person to look after them

    Joey, Topthorn and the two haflingers were put into care of old crazy Friedich. The man took good care of them and seemed to prefer Topthorn rather than than joey or the Haflingers.
  • Topthorn and Friedrich die

    One day, while Joey, Friedich, Topthorn and the Haflingers were going to the war field, Friedich was shot and then Topthorn, who had already been feeling weak, fell in the floor and died. After this, the two Haflinger ran away and Joey is left looking at the corpses. He stood still day and night until he saw a tank and ran away.
  • Joey gets hurt

    While running away from the tank, Joey's leg got stuck in a barbed wire. Then, as he realized it was bleeding, he decided to rest on the mud.
  • Joey is taken by an English man

    When two soldiers, one from Germany and another one from England, noticed Joey they decided to toss a coin and whoever won would take him. The english man won and went off with Joey.
  • Joey meets Albert again

    Joey was taken to the English Militar Hospital where he spots Albert. He tried to make Albert see him, but he couldn't since they couldn't comunicate. However, when Joey got cleaned and had the mud taken off him, Albert recognized his beloved childhood friend
  • Joey gets diagnosed with tetanus

    In spite of Albert's and Joey's happiness of being together, Joey was ill and diagnosed with tetanus. He couldn't even get up, he just laid all day long while Albert longed for his friend's soon recovery,
  • Joey recovers

    After a long time of being ill, Joey recovered from the disease and was able to go out for a walk with his good friend, Albert.
  • Albert's friend died

    David, one of Albert's good friends, died in the war field. Thatt got the young man really depressed.
  • War ends

    Some days after David's death, the gunfire, and the rattle and all war noise stopped and the end of war was declared. As imagined, people could do nothing but be grateful to be alive.
  • Albert learnt what was going to happen to the horses

    Even though Albert was depressed since his friend died, the only thing that kept him going was the mere thought of goingback to his homeland and grow older with Joey. However, he was really scared and dissapointed when he was told the horses would be auctioned in France
  • Albert goes home with Joey

    At the auction, Albert stood in the crowd where there was a butcher Albert was afraid of as he could've bought Joey. However, an old man (Emilie's grandad) offered the most as the horse reminded him of his deceased grand daughtes and was ready to go off with Joey until Albert stopped him and made a deal: the man would give Albert the horse if he promised to love Joey as Emilie did and tell her story, and therefore, make her memotry last forever, Albert agreed and went back to England with Joey.