Walter Cronkite

  • JFK 's Death

    JFK 's Death
    JFK's death was one of the worst moments in American history. Walter Cronkite covered it live. At first he didn't know that Kennedy was dead he thought he was just injured. He eventually Found out that one of them, the govenor or Kennedy, was dead. When it was confirmed Kennedy was dead Cronkite took his glasses off and told the world that he was dead. I got this off of Mrs. Allen's powerpoint.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    In 1968, one of the most diverse issues in the United States was the Vietnam War. Cronkite visited the country to see the results of the Tet Offensive firsthand, he discovered a unwinnable war. Cronkite's commentary changed peoples mind, then weeks later President Johnson annouced he would not seek a second term.
  • MLK's Death

    MLK's Death
    MLK's was one of the all time best speakers, and it was a tragedy when he died. It was kind of ironic that another talented speaker reported his death. Walter Cronkite did an excellent job on reporting the story. I got to watch the video of the story on
  • Democratic National Convention

    Democratic National Convention
    The Democratic National Convention came during a time period of violence. The Vietnam War was in full swing, the civil rights movement was heated, and several leaders had been assassinated. The police officers were going at it with the anti-war protesters,and Cronkite did something reporters are not suppose to do, show there emotion. He was angry when reporting and it didn' not go very well. I got this from
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Another one of history's signifcant events was reported by Walter Cronkite. This was one of his best reports ever done by Cronkite. Cronkite showed his excitement in this news report making it one of the best. I got this from Mrs.Allen's powerpoint.
  • Watergate Report

    Watergate Report
    Cronkite had a report called "the Watergate caper" a national news report before the election. He said that most of the things in the media before him were facts. The Watergate trial was a big suprise to the nation. I got this from
  • President Johnson's Death

    President Johnson's Death
    By the time President Johnson had died Cronkite was already running the story while finding out more about what happened. Cronkite had the guts to just start the news cast not even knowing the whole story.
  • Three Mile Island Incident

    Three Mile Island Incident
    The Three Island nuclear plant had a meltdown and it figures that people would worry because the fear of the Cold War. One reason would be because of the Nuclear War that was of descussion at the time of the Cold war.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    Between 1980-81, Islamist militants took a group of Americans hostage. Cronkite made the announcements for the next year till this all ended. This was one of Cronkite's last broadcast. Mrs.Allen power point
  • His Retirement

    His Retirement
    Cronkite was on CBS for twenty years he has reported some of the most signaficant of events of that time. He past the chair on to Dan Rather but before he did Cronkite gave them one more last showing.