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Us History timeline

By matg
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    George Washington

    I chose Him because one of the reason us is a country is because he was a great general and president. Another thing is that he believed in him and was one of the founding fathers and was the first American president. Also he is probably one of the most important man in us history.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    I Chose Thomas Jefferson as one because he was one of the best presidents of us and was a founding father. He also participated in many important events before becoming the third president of United states.
  • American Revolutionary war

    American Revolutionary war
    The american revolution is in my top ten because without it their will not had been us a country.Also this meant that they were not a colonies but a country.Also this meant that they did not have to follow orders from the king of England and that they were a country now.
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    Abraham Lincoln

    I chose Abraham Lincoln because he was one of the best presidents in us history. Also he was one of the most important people during the civil war and he was key in the civil war.
  • . Mexican american war

    . Mexican american war
    I chose this war because thanks to the war us grew and no had more land and could explore the west. Also if the war had not happened the gold rush would not had happened.
  • The civil war

    The civil war
    I chose the civil war because without it slavery would still be going until today. Also the Americans would had been two smaller countries and us would only be in the northern part of the us territory.
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    Martin Luther king JR

    Martin Luther king was very important during the 1960 because he gave his speech of a dream and he also helped end racism and that the blacks have the same right as white men.
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    World war 2 is a cruel event during the world but it is one of the most important because if us would had not join into it maybe the Germans would had one and taken over many countries.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor is on this list because when the Japanese bombed it was one of the most strategist attacks on us. This was a very surprised for the Americans and this caused us to join into world war 2
  • 9/11

    When this event happened it was a very cruel event and this was the most killed people in the us than in any time before. This attack by Isis was very planned and it is when they destroyed the twin towers and they hit the pentagon with airplanes. After this event us security was bigger and also around the world.