Unit 2 timeline

  • Oct 4, 1492

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue

     Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    He used three ships on his voyage, the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María. He was trying to get to India by going around the world. However, even though he failed, he founded America. He was not the first to discover America, but he was the most influential one. He thought he landed in India so he called the natives Indians.
  • Oct 4, 1511

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the America

    First enslaved Africans arrive in the America
    The slaves were shipped to America in what is called the Triangular trade. Many slaves died along the way. The deadlyist part of the Triangular Trade was the Middle Passage. England would get Slaves by trading goods with Africa.
  • Oct 4, 1521

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortés conquers Aztec Empire
    He landed in Mexico in 1519, just as Magellan began his voyage. He had previously conquered some of the Caribbean islands. He was the first explorer to be called a conquistador. Once he found the Aztecs, the emporor thought that Cortés was a god and he agreed to give the Spanish a portion of the Aztec gold, but Cortés still conquered them.
  • Oct 4, 1533

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
    He was raised by his poor mother. He was illiterate. When he was ordered to retreat from an expadition in South America, he refused and contuinued to conquer the Incas in Peru. He then appointed himself as the govorner of Peru and fonded Lima, Peru's capital.
  • English found Jamestown

    English found Jamestown
    At first Jamestown was a disaster. The settelers tried to find gold instead of planting crops. At this time seven out of ten people died from hunger, desiese, or battles with the natives. Later, they pulled themselves together and created Englands first permanent settlement.
  • English found Plymouth

     English found Plymouth
    It was the second English colony. It was founded by the Puritins. Plymoth is in Massachusetts Bay. The Puritins founded Plymoth for religious freedom from the English church. Plymoth struggled at first, but in the end it prospered due to the number of couples in the colony.
  • French and Indian War ends

    French and Indian War ends
    The war was between the French and the British. It started in 1754. The British wanted more land so they pushed into French land. The war lasted roughly 9 years.