Mohammed Boauazizi burning himself to get attention of the goverment
Mohammed Bouazizi is a normal guy who was in his middle 20's. Boauzizi was selling fruits and vegetables in a wooden cart and this what he's doing in life. Suddenly, a police officer stoped him and slaped him. So, Bouazizi decides to wake up the arabs by burning himself, and this when the revelution began! -
People vs Police
After Bouazizi burned himself, 100's of people went to the street to defend their rights. Especially that unemployment rate rose in a big way. the fighting was over after thr arrest of more than 10 young men. -
The revolution creator had died.
After 18 days fighting his skin burn, Bouazizi had died. A thousands of people came to his furenal. His mom was proud of him in how he woke up the Tunisian people to see the dark world which they live in. -
Pointless move
Pointless move by the former Tunisian president zein al abeden, by isolation the Minister of the Interior. He puts a new Minister of the Interior and his first decision was to prevent overnight curfew. -
Third Speech
The former president zein al abeden went outside to the third time to preform a speech. He had too many concessions. He said that he will stop electing himself. -
Game Over
Tunisian people forced zein al abeden to move out afteer 23 years of ruling. He moved out in a safe way while saudi arabia took him in their lands.