Trump For President!
today trump announces that he will be running in the 2016 presidental race. trump also announces that he will be running as a democrat. -
Donald Trump Announces His Plans For The Upcoming Elections
Today Trump Announces that he will be "restoring" american to the way it use to be. his plans are to deport immigrants, fix the economy, and put money back into peoples pockets. -
Poeple Say Trumps Plans Are Wrong
All over socail media people have been arguing over the fact that millionair Donald trump wants to deport immigrants back to the countries they origanly came from. -
Trump Changes Party Platform
After much debate between people on socail media Donald Trump changes his party platform from wanting to deport immigrants to limiting the ammount that come into the United States each year. -
Trump gets Trumped by Hiliary in NH Primary
Hiliary gaing momentum in NH primary and gets close to trump (the leadrer in the polls) and he isnt happy about it. -
Trump Comes Up Second A Iowa Carcus
Donald trump the leader in the 2016 race comes up second for the first time. Surprisingly his rival Hiliary Clinton won first this rond but trump says he plans on coming up first for the rest of the race -
Super Tuesday Votes Push Trump more into the lead
from th emass ammounts of votes from this super tuesday, trump was pushed farther into the lead. -
Trump Gets High Number of votes in open primary
Even though he hasnt yet announced what party hes running for, trump is coming up with a high number of votes in the polls. -
Trumps Recieves Mass ammounts of votes at closed primary
After announcing he will be running as a democrat in the 2016 presicental race, trump recieved an over whelming number of votes. people are saying hes going to be a hard guy to beat in this race! -
Trump Expected To Win Final Primary
With a high number of votes across many states, donald trump had been the leader in the polls. today we will see who wins and who the winners vice president in office is! Rumors say Donald trump says that if he wins, he has big plans for the soon to be VP and the US. -
Things Get heated between Trump and Hiliary at national convention
Trump lashes at hillary after she makes comment on his hair piece and calls him out on how he wants to limit the ammount of immigrants that come to the US each year. hillary said its "Unamerican" of him to do that -
Electoral college in favor if trump
electoral college shows favor in donald after speech on him being incumbent on stopping ISIS and their Distructive attacks. -
Trump expected to win general election
with a high number in votes and a lead in the race, trump is expected to win another election. -
Donalds Demographics
Demographics show that Trump is strongly favored by the majority of white Middle-class to rich people. -
Trump refuses money from PAC
today trump had a melt down over money! for a man who has so much, why wouldnt he want more? he apparently got into a fught with PAC today becuase he has too much money and hoesnt want the money they raised for him -
Trump VS. Super PAC
Donald trump was caught shouting to the super PAC saying to give all money raised back to the people who gave it becuase he has to much and hes apparently doing fine on his own.