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Clark, Odyssey

  • 1832 BCE

    Lotus eaters part 2.

    Lotus eaters part 2.
    In this particular situation Odysseus loses his crew, due to the three men eating the lotus flowers. They forgot to go back to their destination, which causes Odysseus to not get them back to sea on time. I learned from this situation that Odysseus really care about his men, because in a situation like this you would’ve thought Odysseus would’ve just left them and thought his about his life. This showed how heroic he was, and how he really care about his companions and peers.
  • 1832 BCE

    Lotus Eaters.

    Lotus Eaters.
    The Lotus eaters are people who consumes the things from the lotus tree, They are also wicked to odysseus because The people who decided to eat from the lotus tree would forget about going back home or returning back home and they would continue to stay where the lotus tree is consuming the things on the lotus tree. The lotus eaters were very curious people who had a different way of living. Odysseus men consuming the lotus tree, allowed him to not get his men back to see on time.
  • 1190 BCE

    Circes Part 2.

    Circes Part 2.
    I think Odysseus learned in the situation with Circe how to gain to Ithaca, something that he loss in this situation was his men like throughout the first part because Circe did turn his men into pigs, I think he also learned not to trust everyone around him etc.
  • 1190 BCE


    Circe was the daughter of Helios which is the God of the sun, She put a spell on Odysseus men which turns Odysseus men into pigs, she also sleeps with him to turn him into an animal. Circe and Odysseus falls in love which leads Circes to turning his men back into humans. She then gives Odysseus information that helps him and his men return back to Ithaca.
  • 1184 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan war was a war between the Greeks and the Trojans. It started because of the abuduction of Helen Of Troy. Paris of Troy took Helen of Troy from her significant other which started commotion, then that led to the “Trojan War”
  • 1184 BCE

    Trojan war Part 2.

    Trojan war Part 2.
    I think that Odysseus learned in this situation how brave he was considering the fact that he fought in a whole war, this war actually showed how courageous and valorous. Odysseus and his men actually were, and also how heroic Odysseus was because he actually assisted people, like his crew as well. Even though they were frightened about the outcome. He didn’t just help himself but he helped his peers and the people around him.
  • 725 BCE

    Bag Of winds Part 1.

    Bag Of winds Part 1.
    Aeolus gives Odysseus this bag with wind inside of it, Odysseus crew open the bag thinking it was something else. And the winds take Odysseus and his crew back to their previous location.
  • 725 BCE

    Bag of winds Part 2.

    Bag of winds Part 2.
    In this location Odysseus learned that his men don’t trust him, because the reasoning for them opening the bag was because they didn’t trust him, he should probably try to work on his trust with his companions and his crew. And his crew shouldn’t touch things that they don’t know about just of the sake of not trusting him.
  • 700 BCE


    The cyclops was a big eyed Giant, he was the son of Poseidon who was the Gods of the sea and waters. He got into an altercation with Odysseus which then he proceeded to Grab 2 Of Odysseus men and eat them. He then captures Odysseus and keep him in a cave. Odysseus then gets the Cyclops drunk thinking that it will calm their behavior down, then blinds them but he immediately regrets his decision because if they’re blind Odysseus and his men won’t have a way out the cave.
  • 700 BCE

    Cyclops part 2.

    Cyclops part 2.
    In this situation I feel like Odysseus acted out of kindness and he was more brave than usual, considering the fact that he fought against the cyclops because they ate some of his men, then he thought of a plan to get his men back by getting the cyclops drunk so that they can calm down. This is a big move to make in view of the fact that the Cyclops are giants.
  • 600 BCE


    Sirens are women of the sea, who sings songs and when someone hears the song it lures them somewhere and in this situation when Odysseus and his men were passing, Odysseus takes a large thing of beeswax, which is something that Circe gave him, he tells his men to put the beeswax in their ear which would prevent them from listening to the sirens so that they won’t be tricked.
  • 600 BCE

    Sirens Part 2.

    Sirens Part 2.
    I think this situation taught Odysseus to Always be prepared for certain stuff and different situations. Because in this instinct Odysseus was prepared for the sirens and his crew was prepared as well. He also is a really kind person for preparing his crew for something like that, and also helping his crew avoid the sirens. Because if they didn’t avoid the sirens 9 times out of ten they would’ve been lured or tricked by the ladies and their music.
  • 600 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis.

    Scylla and Charybdis.
    In this situation Odysseus was guided to pass Scylla, which ended with him losing some of his men. Odysseus then was stuck and was brushed back to where he was before. Then he suddenly passes Charybdis and he gets stuck he saves himself by holding on to a fig tree. But without the fig tree he would’ve probably been dead.
  • 600 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Part 2.

    Scylla and Charybdis Part 2.
    I think what Odysseus learned in this particular incident is that he’s very brave, I think he learned something about himself that he probably didn’t know and I feel like is very brave considering the fact that Scylla and Charybdis harmed most of his men but he still found a way to protect himself from them, so that his life wouldn’t be lost, because if I was in that situation I wouldn’t be able to pass them by myself.
  • 500 BCE

    Helios cattle.

    Helios cattle.
    Circe warns Odysseus that him and his men shouldn’t touch Helios cattle because it will cause a bad aftermath. Odysseus fell asleep and Eurylochus persuaded them to eat Helios cattle. They thought that just dying on the sea is not better than to die of hunger.. Odysseus than woke up to all of his men being dead. For the punishment Zeus hits Odysseus ship, attempting to harm him and his men.
  • 500 BCE

    Helios Cattle Part 2.

    Helios Cattle Part 2.
    I think what Odysseus learned in here was to be cautious, listen and not touch things that don’t belong to you. Even though he wasn’t the one that touched the Helios Cattle physically. He can still learn a lesson from his men touching the Helios cattle, and I think that he also learned when you do something your not supposed to do that causes a bad aftermath.
  • 400 BCE


    The suitors entered Odysseus home, ruining everything. Eating all his food, and the suitors were Also messing with with Penelope because they wanted to marry her. But the main purpose for the suitors entering is because one of them wanted to marry Penelope. Odysseus than enters the home looking like a “old beggar” but this situation leads to Odysseus and his son killing the suitors.
  • 400 BCE


    I think this situation taught Odysseus to not leave his wife anymore, and stay with her. And he probably felt bad because his wife and his son was in danger, he played a big role of being courageous and brave throughout this whole book because not only did he help himself but he helped the people around him. i.e his wife and his crew mates and companions and he also protected them from harm, even though most of them ended up dead he still helped.