Mizzou football

Trenton Rich

  • Period: to

    chapter 7

  • Electoral college.

    Electoral college.
    The electoral college is people who choose the president.11 states choose people to be the electors.the electoral college is importent becuase we would not have a president if we did not have the electoral college.
  • Benjamin Franklin dies.

    Benjamin Franklin dies.
    In this year Benjamin Franklin dies.He was really into science he was the one to fly the kite into the wether storme.HE was importent becuase he was the one that proved that eletricity can be made from lightining.
  • Bill of rights was ratified.

    Bill of rights was ratified.
    The bill of rights are the first ten amendments.The bill of rights are importent becuase the let the people be free and give us more rights.
  • First hot air balloon.

    First hot air balloon.
    In this year the first hot balloon went in the air.This is important becuse with out the first hot air balloon then we would not have any hot air balloons.We would not be able to go high in the sky if we had no hot air balloons.
  • Flag had 2 stars and 2 stripes

    Flag had 2 stars and 2 stripes
    The flag means how many states we have.It is important becuase the flag shows that we are important and when the flag got 2 stars the it shows that we had 2 states.
  • 11TH amendment was ratified.

    11TH amendment was ratified.
    The 11th amendment is power to the states.This amendment is important becuase the states need power.The power can not be extend to any suit in law.
  • Earthquake in Quito, Ecuador kills 41,000

    Earthquake in Quito, Ecuador kills 41,000
    This earthquake was one of the most powerful becuase it killed 41,000.It is important becuase it destoyed many homes and houses and it killed many.
  • Guy spits in us house of reps face.

    Guy spits in us house of reps face.
    a guy spits in a guys face when in the house of reps.it is important becuase now the house of reps know to protect them selfs.
  • The founding of the Rosetta stone in egypt

    The founding of the Rosetta stone in egypt
    the stone is the rosetta stone.It is important becuase it basicly told us how to talk.
  • George Washington Dies

    George Washington Dies
    he died on this day.This is important becuase he was are first president.