
By 1227507
  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
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    Benito Mussolini

    Mussolini was the first of the totalitarian rulers of the 1900's. He was the prime minister of Italy from 1922-1943.He was a smart kid growing up but fought and stabbed a couple of kids at his schools he went to. He studied a lot political figures of that time. He overthrew the Italian government and the leader and turned the democratic country into a fascist party that ruled with much promise from the people of Italy to. He ruled with force and teamed up with Adolf and Stalin in World War II.
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    Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin born in Gori, Georgia, Russia, was a communist politician that ruled much of the time for the Soviet Union before and after WWII. He made the Soviet Union a great world power and fierce country. He practiced the most political power in history out of the other figures ever. He was an ally in the war with Adolph Hitler. Stalin caused more than ten million people in results of his restrictions and policies. In all he was a good leader that was not a good person and deep politician.
  • Adolph Hitler

    Adolph Hitler
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    Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler the most evil man too many people. The ruler of Germany and the Nazi Party. A dictator that committed genocide against the Jewish race because he thought of them as evil doers. He started WWII from the killing of the jews and world domination. He formed alliances with Mussolini and had no other military alliances due to fighting them. His chances to rule the world were over due to him wanting the alliances of the other three to break up and the Soviet Union stormed Germany.
  • Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong
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    Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong was controversial leader of the Communist Party of China. He was the worst leader of the Communists. The leader caused the most deaths with thirty to seventy million people due to execution or famine. The Great Leap Forward was the cause of this with lying food and grain production along with labor deaths or overworked people. He was the one of the most successful leaders ever. Maoism is named after him due to him revolutionizing marxism and Leninism. He is beloved by China.