Saint Francis of Assisi
He was a monk born in Italy in 1182. He established the Franciscan Order of Preaching Friars. He rejected the church hierarchy and wanted the church to return to the humble teachings of the bible. -
John Wycliffe
He was a theologian born in the UK in 1320. He challenged the authority of the church and advocated reforms. He rejected the power and the wealth of the clergy. He made the first complete translation of the bible into English. -
Jan Hus
He was a priest and theologist born in 1369 in Czechia. His calls for reforms are considered the be the advocation of protestant reformation. He emphasized the authority of the Bible and wanted the mass to be in the local language. -
Thomas Müntzer
He was born in 1489 in Germany. He was a priest and theologian inspired by Martin Luther. He rejected the authorithy of the chursch and he urged the peasants to take up arms in the name of god. For his role in peasants' war he got executed in 1525. -
Erasmus of Rotterdam
He was a Duch theologian born in 1466. He emphasized the importance of education, reason, and Christian morality. He studied the great testament in greek to understand the bases of faith better. -
Martin Luther
He was borni in Germany 1483. He was a monk and theologian and he started the protestant reformation with his 95 theses. Even touh he got excomunicated by the Chatolic church his ideas gaind popularity. -
Michael Servetus
He was born in 1511 in Spain and was a theologian and physician. He rejected the Trinity and believed it was a theological error. For his rejection, he was executed in 1553 after being announced as a heretic by both the Catholic and protestant churches. -
Ignatiuos of Loyola
He was born in 1491 in Spain He founded the Jesuit order known for emphasizing discipline, obedience, and education. The order later became known for its missionary work and its influence in the Catholic Counter-Reformation. He was canonized as a saint in 1622 -
John Calvin
He was born in 1509 in France. He was a monk and theologian. He emphasized God's sovereignty and played a key role in the development of Reformed theology and in establishing Reformed churches and communities.