The Declaration of Independence is Adopted
- I feel that this is an important event in American History because it showed Great Britain that we wanted to be own our country, and take care of ourselves, and have the Freedom that we still have today.
The First Presidential Election
- The first Presidential election is an important event in American History because it shows that America has a leader to help get through hard times, and make important decisions for the Nation.
The American Railroad Revolution
- I feel that this is an important event in American History because it opened the doorway to further trade and quicker travel, rather than horseback and boats.
First Women's Rights Movement Convention
- The Women's Rights Convention is an important event in American History because it shows that women are just as equal as men, and can do the same things that men can do.
The Civil War
- I feel that The Civil War is an important event in American history because it helped to end slavery in the United States, and preserve the Union as one.
The First Time Americans took Flight
- This is an important event in American History because The Wright Brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls to make fixed wing powered flight possible which helped people travel farther.
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
- This is important event in American History, but unfortunate because J.F.K helped push the Civil Rights movement, he also helped create the Peace Core.
The Americans landing on the Moon
- I feel that this is an important event in American History because it shows that America expands it boundaries beyond Earth.
Columbine School Shooting
- I feel that this is an important event in American history because it showed that schools should reach out to their students, and increase security to keep their students in a safe learning enviroment.
Terrorist Attack on World Trade Center Towers
- I feel that this is an important event in American History because is shows America's ability to come together during tough times as a Nation.