Japan invades Manchuria
Japanese aggression was started against China & Indochina. A Japanese sphere of economic domination was intended to be created by Japan to try and solve their economic problems through expansion. Japan did not like the embargos on gas and iron put by the US in response to Japanese aggression. This event was important because it was the start of Japanese Aggression. -
Munich Pact
Hitler broke the Pact when he invaded Czechoslovakia. The policy was made by Britain and France. Munich Pact was a policy of appeasement. This event was important because It was one thing that started WWII. -
Period: to
It was known as the "night of broken glass". Nazis in Germany were attacking Jewish villages. This event was important because there were close to 100 Jews killed. -
Neutrality Acts of 1939
The response to German aggression and effort to provide aid to the Allies FDR wanted to have the Neutrality Acts amended. The three Neutrality Acts were the Cash and Carry Act, the Destroyers-for-bases deal, and the Lend-Lease. This event was important because this was the last thing to start WWII. -
Germany invades Poland
Poland was attacked by Germany. It led to France and Britain declaring war on Germany. This event was important because It was another thing that started WWII. -
Period: to
Soviet Union launches Sputnik
It was the start of the space race. The US Congress passed the National Defense Education Act. This event was important because the arms race raised fears that were reflected in the building of bomb shelters as well as in the popular culture. -
Lend-Lease Act
Roosevelt was authorized by Congress. They wanted Roosevelt to dispose of any such government and defense article which he thought was necessary. This event was important because "the United States interest of the defense was necessary". -
Atlantic Charter
It was signed by FDR & the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The US & British was a broad statement. This event was important because it showed FDR's commitment to opposing aggression from the German and Japanese. -
Exec Order 8022
It was issued by FDR. The nation's defense industry was prohibiting ethnic or racial discrimination This event was important because African Americans served in segregated units and faced discrimination as they trained. -
Atlantic Conference
It strengthened the alliance between the US & Great Britain. They both signed the Atlantic Charter. This event was important because the alliance was strengthened. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
This was the Japanese response to the embargoes set by the US and the US Pacific fleet becoming a threat to its growing empire. That day 2400 Americans were killed, 1300 wounded, 19 US ships sunk or damaged. This event was important because in FDR speech the next day it was referred to as "a date which will live in infamy" -
Exec Order 9066
It was issued by FDR. People were ordered to sell their property & belongings and report for deportation to camps in the inland deserts if they were Japanese residents and Americans of Japanese descent. This event was important because they did not want another surprise attack by Japan. -
Period: to
Battle of Midway
The US used island hopping to stop the Japanese. The goal was to get close enough to the Japanese home island and launch air attacks in preparation for an invasion. This event was important because it was a victory at Midway by the US that stopped the Japanese advance and put them on the defensive. -
Period: to
Operation Torch
It was an invasion of North Africa. It was to free the Mediterranean Sea from German control and protect the oil fields in the Middle East. This event was important because It took some pressure off the USSR. -
D-Day (invasion of Normandy)
It provided the long-awaited western front. It gave Germany 3 fronts to engage & diverted resources to a western front. This event was important because Germany had the upper hand. -
Period: to
Battle of the Bulge
It was the last German offensive. It was the beginning of the end for the Nazis. This event was important because the Nazis did not stand a chance. -
Korematsu v. United States
He was a Japanese American. He refused to leave his home per the Exec. Order (9066). He argued that internment violated his Constitution right after he took his case to the Supreme Court. This event was important because Japanese internment was upheld by the Supreme Court as Constitutional & Krematsu lost the case. -
Yalta Conference
Churchill, FDR, and Stalin met to strategy a plan. It was the final plan for the defeat of Europe & later post-war European Plans. This event was important because of the big three Winston Churchill of Great Britain, Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. -
Period: to
Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
The President decided to drop the atomic bombs to prevent landing and fighting on Japanese home islands which would result in too many American lives lost. After the atomic bombs were dropped Japanese surrendered unconditionally and an invasion was necessary. This event was important because the USSR marched into Korea which was allowed at the Yalta Conference. -
United Nations is created
The US played a key role in helping and start of the United Nations. It was an idea based on the league of nations which was originally proposed by Woodrow Wilson. This event was important because it was an idea by Woodrow Wilson. -
Period: to
Nuremberg Trials
It established that individuals are responsible for their own actions. It was also established for future trials on war crimes. This event was important because It ended genocide throughout the world. -
Truman Doctrine
It pledged to contain communism in Europe. It was first applied when the United States supplied military and financial. This event was important because Greece and Turkey were able to resist the communist-backed rebel forces with the United States' help. -
Marshall Plan
The US offered financial aid. It was to prevent the fall of European countries to communism. This event was important because it was proposed by the Sec. of State George Marshall. -
Israel is established
The US supported the self-determination of the Jewish people. The US promptly recognized & supported Israel. This event was important because It demonstrates the impact of Germany was crimes. -
Period: to
Berlin Airlift
The first test of US policy. The Soviet Union blocked Berlin. The US supplied the people of Berlin with food, water, and other supplies via airdrops. This event was important because The US won this first War confrontation with the Berlin Airlift. -
US establishes NATO
It was known as the [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]. It established a military alliance aimed at the Soviet Union. This event was important because, in 1955, the Soviet Union organized the Warsaw Pact. -
Soviet Union tests Atomic Bomb
It led the United States to accelerate the development of the hydrogen bomb and began a nuclear arms race. China, after a long civil war between the US-backed nationalist [Chiang Kai-shek] and communist forces. This event was important because China fell to communism under the leadership of Mao Tsetung (Mao Zedong). -
Korean Conflict (War)
Communist North Korea invaded South Korea. The United Nations voted unanimously to demand a ceasefire and support 'police action' to defend South Korea. This event was important because the majority of troops & financial support for the Korean War came from the United States. -
Eisenhower Doctrine
It was created by President Eisenhower. It extended containment to the Middle East. This event was important because it was part of the Suez Crisis. -
National Defense Education Act
It allowed young people to stay in school longer. It allowed more young men and women to attend college. This event was important because it created a more educated workforce. -
Rise of the Berlin Wall (Construction begins…)
The Soviet Union controlled East Berlin. The Allies [The US, Great Britain, and the French] controlled West Berlin. This event was important because it became a symbol of the Cold War. -
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
The US supports the Afghan resistance movement. Soviets withdraw in 1989. This event was important because Afghan rebel groups evolved into the Taliban. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
It was considered to be the end of the Cold War. There were changes in the Soviet Union. This event was important because the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.