Period: 770 BCE to 752 BCE
Romulus and Remus
Rhea Silvia was the creator of these two beloved twins, however they just weren't any kinda of twins. These adventurous minds of theirs help them establish and find Rome itself. -
Period: 434 BCE to 453 BCE
Attila the Hun
Attila was a military leader and was taught from an adolescent how to fight with swords and care for wombs, yet because of this he always wanted to be the power decided to kill his own bother for his own powers and ambitions. Later he wanted to settle down and have a family, because of his ways of learning he decided to defeat Gaul to get a wife for himself so he can create a family while having his family he would stay going to plenty of wars such as the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains. -
Period: 256 BCE to 228
This man started the attack of Saguntum not so long after this action it grew into the Second Punic War. Because of his strong independent strategies he won a lot of wars obtaining the southern Italy now this didn't last long it started declining so he disappeared when he could've just sign a treaty, but his mindset was to continuously destroy Rome until his death finally came to reach him. -
Period: 254 BCE to 185 BCE
He was a comedy and writer for Rome making nearly twenty plays that he made throughout his life-span. Although he was a great creator his finance wasn't so surely as great as his plays he lived to make ends meets because he got bankrupt that didn't stop him from doing what he loved though. -
218 BCE
Second Punic War
At this time they crossed the Aples going into a Battle called Battle of Cannae making them loose more than 60,000 soldiers! This became a real threat for Rome because loosing that many soldiers is tremendous amount and hard-ship. But the Hannibals came in was able to defeat the next battle of Zama ! -
149 BCE
Third Punic Wars
Because of the second battle this battle made them go into large debt, and roman carthage was destroyed, so Rome tried to approve an foreign affair to recover from this hardship. -
Period: 121 BCE to 180 BCE
Marcus Aurelius
He was already born into a family of wealth and leaving his destiny to be an emperor with his time of being that he made Rome become priest and religious making it be a social distinction. -
Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE
Julius Caesar
He was a political leader for Romans Republic because of his strong dedication he made it become to the Empire creating all kinds of things such as the imperial system. Now because of all of these he decided to not make him self king, but more than that a dictator leading him to his assassination. -
Period: 94 BCE to 55 BCE
He lived his life time in Rome, while living there his ambitions driven him to write poems because thats what he truly loved doing. With great work he created a six book. -
Period: 65 BCE to 8 BCE
His father was a hard working man pushing his limits to give the bests for his kids to be able to take Horace to school because of these opportunities he was able to reach his full potential and become a poet and a book creator, however his life style was more low-key, quiet and he has an unrestrained ambition for himself living in a local farm. -
Period: 63 BCE to 14
Octavian or Augustus was Rome first emperor for a while until he was forced to give it up because of Cesar making himself a dictator of Rome. His mindset was different than his because he believed in peace within another and prosperity not only that he teaches other be humble, patient, and kind. -
60 BCE
First Triumvirate
This time period was when Julius Cesar was in charge it was a politician time period and having a pampey aka general in charge however it had a collapse, because of the wars occurring, yet Cesar leader knew how to defeat the Parthians not letting it destroy it. -
Period: 58 BCE to 120 BCE
His always been a smart person throughout his life-span he educated himself to focus in school, shortly after he was studying the Rhetoric it's a way of writing. Within this time he build his connections and started his career from there Later becoming an emperpor. Now he didn't stop there he found his love of his life Julius daughter and got married enjoy his years and lived until his last breaths. -
19 BCE
The "Time of Happiness"
This time period was a time of peace, security and an ordered civilization. It helped everyone even slaves some of them were able to get free at this time period or if they were still slaves they had plenty more rights than they did before. For an example masters couldn't kill sick slaves anymore they had to take of them.