Timeline of Saul, Jonathon, and David's lives

  • 597


    He reigned 11 years in Jerusalem. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord
  • 598


    He was 18 years old when he started to reign over Judah. He reigned for 3 months.
  • 609


    Jehoiakim reigned in Jerusalem. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • 609


    He reigned over Judah. He reigned for 3 months. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • 641


    He started reigning over Israel when he was 8 years old. When he was older he turned to the Lord. He tore down the altars of the Baals and other gods.
  • 665


    He was evil like his father Manasseh
  • Period: 665 to 641


    King of Judah
  • 709


    He was the 14th ruler of Judah
  • Period: 709 to 642


    King of Judah
  • 723


    Hoshea, king of Israel, was a bad king. He did evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • 727

    Hezekiah repairs the temple

    Hezekiah repairs the temple
    He repairs the temple.
  • 732


    Pekah, king of Israel, was a bad king. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • 732


    Ahaz, king of Judah, was a bad king. He followed the steps of the kings of Israel.
  • 735


    Jotham, king of Judah, was a good king. He built cities in the countryside and forts, and towers in the foothills.
  • 740


    Pekahiah, king of Israel, was a bad king. He did evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • 740


    Uzziah, king of Judah. He made war with the Philistines.
  • Period: 741 to 686


    Hezekiah was king of Judah
  • 745


    Menahem, king of Israel, was a bad king. He reigned 6 months
  • 747


    Shallum, king of Israel was a bad king, he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • 752


    King of Israel was a bad king. He did evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • 783


    Azariah, king of Judah, did good in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 783 to 742

    Jeroboam King of Israel

    He reigned 41 years.
  • Period: 796 to 767

    Amaziah King of Judah

    He reigned for 29 years.
  • Period: 801 to 786

    Joash King of Israel

    He reigned for 16 years.
  • Period: 815 to 801


    He reigned in Judah for 17 years
  • Period: 836 to 796

    King Joash of Judah

    He reigned for 40 years.
  • Period: 841 to 814

    Jehu reigns in the kingdom of Israel

    He reigns for 27 years
  • Period: 841 to 840

    Ahaziah reigns in the kingdom of Judah

    he reigns for a year
  • Period: 841 to 835

    Queen Athaliah reigns in the kingdom of Judah

    She reigns fro seven years
  • 844

    Elisha raises the Shunammite's Son

    Elisha raises the Shunammite's Son
    Elisha raises the boy from the dead.
  • 846

    Elisha makes the dry streambed full of pools of water

    Elisha makes the dry streambed full of pools of water
    The Lord told Elisha that there would be a drought in the land and they would have no water, but he would fill the dry streambed full of water for the people.
  • 849

    King Jehoram

    King Jehoram
    King Jehoram reigned in Israel for 8 years.
  • 852

    King Ahab dies in battle

    King Ahab dies in battle
    He dies in battle
  • 853

    Ahab defeats Ben-hadad's army

    Ahab defeats Ben-hadad's army
    Ahab defeats the army because they are drunk
  • 853

    King Ahab wants Naboth vineyard

    King Ahab wants Naboth vineyard
    He wants the vineyard for his garden
  • 876

    King Ahab marries Jezebel and worships baal

    King Ahab marries Jezebel and worships baal
    He marries Jezebel and worships baal instead of worshipping the Lord
  • 882

    King Omri does evil in the sight of the Lord

    King Omri does evil in the sight of the Lord
    Omri does more evil in the sight of the Lord than any of the kings before him had ever done.
  • 886

    King Zimri burns the king's house

    King Zimri burns the king's house
    King Zimri burns the house of the king and kills himself. He burns the house because he sees the army coming in and taking control of the city.
  • 887

    King Elah killed by Zimri his servant

    King Elah killed by Zimri his servant
    Elah is killed by his servant Zimri, while he was in Tirzah drinking and getting drunk.
  • 908

    Asa plunders the cities around Gerar

    Asa plunders the cities around Gerar
    King Asa plunders all the cities around Gerar
  • 911

    King Asa defeats the Ethiopians

    King Asa defeats the Ethiopians
    King Asa defeats the Ethiopians with the help of God
  • 913

    Asa becomes king over Judah

    Asa becomes king over Judah
    Asa becomes king over Judah and starts out as a good king but slowly turns into a bad one.
  • 914

    Abijah defeats Jeroboam's army

    Abijah defeats Jeroboam's army
    Abijah defeats Jeroboam's army with the help of God with him when the battle was before him and behind him.
  • 915

    Rehoboam dies

    Rehoboam dies
    Rehoboam dies and is buried with fathers
  • 931

    Jeroboam becomes king

    Jeroboam becomes king
    Jeroboam is the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel
  • 955

    Jeroboam comes and makes the golden calves

    Jeroboam comes and makes the golden calves
    Jeroboam makes the golden calves for the people to worship them. H put one of the calves in Bethel and the other is Dan.
  • 955

    Rehoboam doesn't listen to the people

    Rehoboam doesn't listen to the people
    The people ask Rehoboam to lighten the burdens that his father had put on them. Instead of listening to the people, he made their loads heavier.
  • 964

    The Building of the Temple

    The Building of the Temple
    Solomon builds the Lord's temple.
  • 968

    Solomon asks God to give him Wisdom

    Solomon asks God to give him Wisdom
    Solomon wanted God to bless him with wisdom
  • 970

    David dies

    David dies
    David dies at about the age of 70
  • 970

    Solomon Made King

    Solomon Made King
    Solomon anointed king by the prophet Nathan
  • 978

    David flees Jerusalem

    David flees Jerusalem
    David flees Jerusalem because Absalom tries to become king over Israel.
  • 992

    David and Bathsheba

    David and Bathsheba
    David commits adultery with Bathsheba
  • 1003

    David made King of Israel

    David made King of Israel
    David is made king over Israel in 1003 after Saul died.
  • 1003

    David defeats many armies

    David defeats many armies
    He defeats the Philistines, Syrians, Edomites, Ammonites, Moabites, and others
  • 1010

    Saul goes to see the witch

    Saul goes to see the witch
    Saul went to see a witch because he wanted to speak to Samuel because he didn't know what to do in the battle with the Philistines
  • 1010

    Saul takes his life at Mt Gilboa

    Saul takes his life at Mt Gilboa
    Saul takes his life at Mt Gilboa during the battle with the Philistines because the last time he talked to Samuel, he told him he would die the next time he went into battle
  • 1010

    Jonathon and the battle at Mt Gilboa

    Jonathon and the battle at Mt Gilboa
    Here at Mt Gilboa the Israelites are fighting the Philistines. Jonathon and Saul both were killed here.
  • 1025

    David kills Goliath

    David kills Goliath
    David kills Goliath when the Israelites are at war with the Philistines.
  • 1040


    1040 - 970 BC
  • 1042

    Jonathon and his armor-bearer attack the Philistines

    Jonathon and his armor-bearer attack the Philistines
    Jonathon and his armor-bearer defeat the garrison of Philistines
  • 1046

    Saul made king of Israel

    Saul made king of Israel
    Samuel anointed Saul and made him King of Israel
  • 1062


    1062 - 1010 BC
  • 1082


    1082 - 1010 BC