
Timeline #1 Again

  • IBM creates electric typewriter

    IBM creates electric typewriter
    Makes typing more efficient and easier to fix mistakes.
  • First harddrive made by IBM and cost over one million dollars.

    First harddrive made by IBM and cost over one million dollars.
    This is a significant event because it is the introduction to a new way to store information.
  • Texas Instruments create first pocket-sized clculator.

    Texas Instruments create first pocket-sized clculator.
    This is an important event because it is the start of compacting technology--- a great advancement
  • Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniac build a computer and name it Apple.

    Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniac build a computer and name it Apple.
  • IBM intrduces ink jet pritner

    IBM intrduces ink jet pritner
    Important for faster, cheaper printing for personal use.
  • Addresses that end in .edu, .org, .gov, and .uk begin to appear.

    Addresses that end in .edu, .org, .gov, and .uk begin to appear.
    This is a significant event because these addresses simplify web browsing.
  • Microsoft creates Word for Windows.

    Microsoft creates Word for Windows.
    This an important event because today Microsoft Word is still the most used word processing program in the world.
  • Microsoft creates Windows 3.0, which looks similar to the Mac operating system.

    Microsoft creates Windows 3.0, which looks similar to the Mac operating system.
    This event is significant because it is the start of competition between the two companies.
  • Approximately 1000 known computer viruses.

    Approximately 1000 known computer viruses.
    Important because viruses make computers look less appealing to buyers and safety is threatened.
  • Java programming language was released by Sun.

    Java programming language was released by Sun.
    This is important because it makes platform-indepent programming possible, which is important for advancement in computer technology.