Time toast

  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
    The Industrial Revolution refers to the period during which a country develops an industrial economy.
  • captains of industry

    captains of industry
    These captains of industry included John D. Rockefeller, James Duke and Andrew Carnegie
  • creation of monopolies

    creation of monopolies
    A monopoly occurs when one party maintains total control over a type of industry.
  • The Interstate Commerce Act

    The Interstate Commerce Act
    Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act, the first major piece of regulatory of legislation.
  • The Sherman Act

    The Sherman Act
    This act made it illegal for companies to create monopolies.
  • Applying Maslow's Theory to Management

    Applying Maslow's Theory to Management
    Maslow's hierarchy of needs has important implications for business managers.
  • Abraham H. Maslow and the Hierarchy of Needs

    Abraham H. Maslow and the Hierarchy of Needs
    Abraham had important ideas about management. He developed a theory of motivation. His ideas had a significant impact on management.
  • The Hawthorne Studies of Productivity

    The Hawthorne Studies of Productivity
    Researchers began to look at the relationship between working conditions and productivity.
  • Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory X and Theory Y
    Professor Douglas McGregor identified 2 types of management styles. THeory X- assumes that people are basically lazy and will avoid working if they can. Theory Y- assumes that people find satisfaction in their work.
  • Theory Z

    Theory Z
    William Ouchi was a management researcher who developed Theory Z. Theory Z incorporates the Japanese emphasis on collective decision making.