4004 BCE
God spoke everything into existince. He created everything in his glory. He created man in his own image. -
2349 BCE
God didn't like what everyone was doing. So he told Noah to build a big ship. then He flooded the earth. -
2165 BCE
abraham left the city of ur in sumer because God called him to go to canaan. Then God said to him "go and I will make of you a great nation." Since he was a follower of God he listened. -
1728 BCE
Joseph was Jacobs favorite son so he gave him a rainbow coat. then his brothers got jeolous and threw him in a dry well. they were going to kill him then they sold him into slavery. -
1446 BCE
moses and the exodus
Moses and the iserealites were in Egypt they prayed to God so God sent 10 plauges to Egypt and on the tenth one pharoh said GO!!!!. so Moses did then pharoh changed his mind and sent his army after them. so moses parted the red sea the isrealites went through. then moses sent the sea back and killed pharohs army. -
1445 BCE
the ten comandments
after the exodus of Egypt moses went to mount siani. then God gave moses the ten main commandments and the law -
1406 BCE
setteling in canaan
to settle in canaan they needed to scout out the land so they sent 12 spies {one from each tribe} they saw good food milk and honey but they also saw giant people only 2 spies thought they could beat them -
1011 BCE
david was a young shepard who was anointed the next king of isreal. he killed a giant with just his sling and the power of God. he was a great king and ancestor of jesus. -
971 BCE
Soloman building the temple
In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites had come out of Egypt -
931 BCE
division of the kingdom
after solomans death his son rehoboam created a united monarchy witch split after some time with isreal in the north and judah in the south. judah had some good and some bad kings but isreal on the other hand had all bad kings. the first king of judah was rehoboam and the first king of divided isreal was jeroboam. -
722 BCE
assyrian conquest of isreal
in 722bc shalmenasser v the king of assyria invaded isreal to get domanince over the desert and harbors on the medateranian sea. over this three year period the isrealites were exiled to uper mesopatamia -
709 BCE
Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah
Sennacherib claimed he had Hezekiah traped in jeruselum "like a caged bird" at the battle of lachish the assyrians used arrows mud brick ramps and sling shots. -
604 BCE
Daniel was a wise, righteous, and religious man who loved God. One day some higher officials told the king to make a law that they can only pray to the king for the next 30 days or else you would be thrown in the lions den. this was directed completely at daniel because they didn't like him. but daniel obeyed God and prayed with windows and doors open for all to see, so he was thrown in the lions den but he prayed to God in the lions den and he sent an angel to shut the lions mouth. -
586 BCE
The Babylonian Conquest of Judah
nebuchadnezzar the babylonian king was sent by God to conquer judah because they were not listening to him. So the judeans were exiled to babylon. -
586 BCE
the exile
after the jews were conquered by babylon they were sent into exile in babylon where they remained for 50 years. then the persian king cyrus the great freed them. -
538 BCE
Cyrus the great
Cyrus the great was the persian king who freed the jews from babylon. he was known for his respect for non-persians. he allowed the jews to go back and rebuild the temple.