Time Line for Little field's class

  • 1346

    The Black Death

    Was a disease that took place in Europe from 1346-1353. It was carried by fleas that were on rats. It killed 75-200 million people (which is about 50-60 percent of the population.) And took 200 years to repopulate all the damage it did.
  • 1386


    Donatello was an Italian artist that became popular for his work during the Renaissance. He was born 1386 and died in the year 1466. He was the master of sculpting with marble and bronze. And was most famous for his statue of David.
  • 1450

    Printing Press was invented

    The printing press made it so people could print books faster. It helped spread knowledge and made it so the church could make bibles faster to spread the word of god. The bible was the first thing printed. And was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • 1483

    Marin Luther

    Martin Luther was born in the year 1483. He was supposed to be a lawyer but after going through a storm he shouldn't of lived through he devoted his time to the church as a monk. He then wrote the 95 thesis statements that started the reformation. He died in the year 1546.
  • 1486

    Pope Paul III

    Pope Paul was born in the year 1468. He served from the years 1534-1549. He realized that the Protestantism needed to be countered. So he took action by making sure the he taught doctrine to the youth and clarified them. He died in the year 1549.
  • 1509

    John Calvin

    Was born in 1509. He was one of many that converted to Protestantism at the age of 25. He converted due to the fact he believed that the Catholic church was falling away. He had a belief that everyone was predetermined where you were going. He believed that you should show that you should be an elect. He also set up a government in Geneva which everything was based off of his belief. He died in the year 1564
  • 1517

    95 Thesis

    The 95 thesis was a statement in which Martin Luther wrote 95 reasons why the church had the wrong idea. He then nailed the thesis statements to the church door where everyone could see it. This is what started the reformation.
  • 1564

    William Shakespeare

    William was born in April in the year 1564. He wrote many of the English plays like Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. Was one of the many famous authors during the renaissance. Many of his plays are still preformed today.