Tye dyes

Time Capsule 1960's

  • Arnold Palmer

    Arnold Palmer
    He has one of the best ranked hospitals under his name. He is a professional golfer. And founded a nature preserve
  • Anthony Quinn

    Anthony Quinn
    He was born 1915. Had 3 wives and he was worth 20 million dollars.
  • Magnificent 7

    Magnificent 7
    Their were 3 sequels. This movie was based on a Japanese samurai movie
  • Polka dot, Peace signs, Tye dye

    Polka dot, Peace signs, Tye dye
    Polka dots are a basic pattern of circles, Peace signs were made by Gerald Holtman, Tye dye is a form of Bandhandi used in India
  • Civil Rights protest

    This happened during the Vietnam War, This was through the south, People broke facilities race.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    He had 4 children and was assasinated his last words were no you certainly cant
  • GI Joe, Barbi Dream House, Whamo Superball

    GI Joe, Barbi Dream House, Whamo Superball
    GI Joe is a movie, Made from polymer zectron, One barbie house was sold every 2 minutes
  • Grateful Dead

    Grateful Dead
    They have been band for over 50 years. Did you know jerry garcia only had half a middle finger. And too get their names they chose it from a dictionary.
  • Touch Phone

    Touch Phone
    This was the first one of its kind. It had 10 buttons and could dial any destination
  • The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Van Morrison

    The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Van  Morrison
    John Lennons father showed up when he got famous, Simon and Garfunkel met in primary school, Van Morrison is an Irish singer
  • 68 Chevelle Supersport

    68 Chevelle Supersport
    It has 350hp a V-8 engine and is worth 30 Grand