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By 603443
  • joining highschool summer team

    russell makes highschool team
  • 1 Russell has no social skills

    1 Russell has no social skills
    His teamates tell him to sign up for speech classes and he passes them
  • 2 improving overall health

    2 improving overall health
    the season is beginning to start and he starts to workout and eat healthier. He practices aot more to get ready for the season
  • 3 stressful event

    3 stressful event
    Russell is Told his child hood friend has died in a car accident.
  • 3 hurting

    3 hurting
    He misses the next two weeks of practice and misses four games.He cant play because his frend got him started with basketball, and he cant play without thinkinhg about him
  • 3 family

    3 family
    He talked with his family about the death of his friend,to try to get over it
  • loss

  • 4 drinking

    4 drinking
    kevin durants starts drinking.
    Russell i conconcerend about him getting sick,getting suspended ,getting kicked off the team and not being able to play next year
  • 6 family history

    He learned that his grand father on his dad's side had diabetes .and kidney disease.On his moms side his grandad had high cholesterol and a fatty liver. He researches those disease and learn about them.
  • relative smokes again

    relative smokes again
    He is worried about them having cancer, lung problems and heart diesease
  • Takes keys away from friend

    Takes keys away from friend
    You put yourself and others in danger.If you need a ride call me
  • flu

    He take medcine and takes hot steamy showers and sleeps with extra pillow to help drainage
  • 5 loss

    They lost The y championship because kd got the flu and didnt play.He is in denial that they loss..And he also blames himself from not performing better
  • puberty

    Russell hit puberty and he try's looking for a new identity and he is attracted to girls now
  • abstinence

    You could get someone pregant
    you can get an std

    You don't need to have sex

    if all they care about is sex your relationship will never work.