Thomas Kuhn July 18th 1922- June 17th 1996

  • Kuhn’s epiphany 1947

    In 1947 while Kuhn was researching for a history presentation he had an epiphany. While looking at Aristotle’s works he was confused at how he could be so wrong about a subject. It occurred to Kuhn that Aristotle was essentially living in a different world. Essentially Kuhn discovered that he was right based on the information that he had at the time of his life. This lead Kuhn to move on to his research into his most well know works.
  • 1949 Kuhn obtains his phd in philosophy of science

    While Kuhn held multiple degrees in multiple different subjects of science he is most well know for his theory’s on the history of science. Making this one of the more important accomplishments in becoming a professor of history or philosophy of science. Kuhn taught philosophy of science at Harvard university.
  • Kuhn’s first book 1956

    In 1956 while teaching at Berkeley College Kuhn wrote his first book The Copernican Revolution. While this book touched on the history of science it was not until later that he would actually write the book that put him on the map as one of the most well know scientific philosophers.
  • Kuhn’s major breakthrough 1962

    In 1962 Kuhn wrote his second and better know book where he went on to describe how science moves in different paradigm shifts. This theory completely changed the way we look at science and how it advances. The book and Kuhn’s theory’s made Kuhn one of the most well know scientific philosophers of the 21st century.