THomas Kuhn is born in Cincinnati, Ohio -
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Kuhn Attends Harvard College
Thomas Kuhn attends Harvard and graduates with his Bachelors in Physics. The exact year isn't stated, but we will assume it was a standard 4 year degree, graduating in 1943. He obtained his Masters in Physics in 1946. in 1949 he graduated with his Ph.D. in Physics, focusing on History of Science -
'The Copernican Revolution' is Published
Kuhn published his first book, The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought. While this was not his most important book, it was his first, and focused on the historical transition from the orignial geocentric model to the heliocentric model and talked about the changes in science that came with this transition. -
'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' is Published
Kuhn published what might be his most important work, 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions'. Kuhn introduced the concept of paradigms and the nature of scientific revolutions. He also spoke on shifts in scientific thinking that occured during these revolutions. It had a major impact on the philosophy of science and is still studied and used to teach to this day. -
Hired as a Professor at Princeton
Kuhn was hired at Princeton in 1964. He became a Professor of Philosophy and History of Science, where he remained until he was hired by MIT in 1979 -
Becomes a Professor at MIT
Kuhn lands a job at MIT as a professor of philosophy, where he continued his work in philosophy. He worked on his studies advancing the field while teaching his students about it -
Receives the George Starton Medal
Kuhn Receives the George Starton Medal, which is awarded by the History of Sceince Society, for his lifetime achievements and contributions to the field. -
Thomas Khun passes away from a 2 year battle with lung cancer after leading a very influential life. He changed our understanding of how our knowledge evolves through scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts.
He was married twice and left behind 3 children. -
Innaugural Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award Competition
the American Chemical Society hosts the first Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award Competition, named after Thomas Kuhn, recognizing his work and his contributions to the entire field of science.