Thomas Hobbes

  • Birth

    Thomas Hobbes was born at Westport, now part of Malmesbury in Wiltshire, England, on 5 April 1588.
  • Education

    He starts his studies at Magdalen College. He studied scholastic philosophy.
  • B.A. Degree

    B.A. Degree
  • Publication

    The first publication of "De Cive"
  • Near Death

    Hobbes got sick and was in a near death experience.
  • Publication

    He publishes the "Leviathian"
  • Of Liberty and Necessity

    Of Liberty and Necessity
    The book was published without his consent.
  • Publication

    He publishes the "De Corpore"
  • King

    The King stopped publishing his works.
  • Finishes Behemoth

  • Death

    In October 1679, Hobbes suffered a bladder disorder, which was followed by a paralytic stroke from which he died on 4 December 1679. He is said to have uttered the last words "A great leap in the dark" in his final moments of life. He was interred within St John the Baptist's Church, Ault Hucknall in Derbyshire, England.